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wk 15 -here goes my...
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wk 15 -here goes my first!

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Hi everyone

This time, instead of just criticising from the safety of my observatory, I'm going to submit my first assignment.

The story is more of a concept and I'm not sure what voice it would be in, etc. I want to write the song version of the movie "Adaptation".  In other words, the song would open with a verse about how the world doesn't need any more trite, empty, easy pop songs.  by the end of the song it is full of cliches and the most cornball sentiment with a pretty melody and all the classic easy-listening elements.  I'm not sure how it would work...

The other idea I have is about forgetting something painful, specifically , making oneself forget.  The song would start by describing a scene in which a person is doing something repetitively and doesn't see how they are trapped in their moment.  The second verse could describe another person doing something similar, and the end of the song would tie up the whole thing but would be in the first person.  The chorus is up in the air.

Not sure if this is how you wanted these submitted but we'll see as the week progresses!



Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 4472

Hi S

And welcome! Good to have you here!

Both of these ideas are pretty good. What might make the second idea really fly is to have both narrators in verse one and two be forgetting, or trying to forget, the exact same incident  - maybe he and she broke up or something - I know, very cliche, but it always works!   ;). Maybe they were both involved in a car accident, one driving the other a passenger... maybe it's a film noir style murder mystery (and now I'm sounding like Nick!) Anyway, just a thought.

But I'd really like to see you give a shot at the first idea!



Noble Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 908

Hi Spam and welcome to the SSG.

I think of the two ideas you've submitted here the second one has more possibilities.  I think the first idea runs the risk of being misinterpreted to the point of being accepted as a cheesy pop song and not as the anti-pop statement it wishes to make.

I like the idea of the second one and it has good wordplay possibilities as well - e.g. Remembering to Forget

Whichever you go for could be interesting.

Good Stuff

Bob  :)

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