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Y5week30 mutiny

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hey.. late again... sorry... actually it's been really my topic this week. seems like bad days line up for a date with me;-) reality i'm just a hypocrite. sick, but a hypocrite.


You didn't miss out on anything today
I fell flat on my face
And it felt like I never got up again
Till I went to bed

The alarm clock exposed me to treacherous sideways
I tumbled through the sleeping city like a night watchman on duty
With eyes disobedient, oh mutiny

When I found I lacked purpose I headed back home
But it was a stranger and rain tapped on the window
And it's less romantic sitting next to a spot that's empty
And a phone that's gone quiet
I think it's been on strike now for a while

Oh mutiny

Yes, I swallow my vitamins
But I know this sore throat
It's a lingering guest
And it never pays when it leaves eventually
But does it oh does it ever leave

Oh I'm pathetic
But today I earned it
Oh I am a hypocrite
In fact, I know a smile that can save any day
So really, even when downcast I'm lucky.


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin
