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Y5week7 chords of doubt & dancing on treetops

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Chords of doubt weigh you down

Let your hair down
Strum the chords of doubt
And walk into rainbows
With your eyes closed

Confuse reality and dream
Ignore carousel trees
Play that song down
For the second time now

You who clench your fist
Like a bad habit you could not quit
Pull these curtains back a bit
See this ribbon tumbling down
From a pallid balloon cloud?
Your fingers are holding it.

[But you are letting it slip]

Bear this knowledge like a treasure in your head
And I swear when we meet at sunset
You will have lost weight.

>>easy, simple, short bridge-like thingy.... ;-)

ok.. trying to come up with a bridge for someone else's song is difficult.. really like vic's song, but couldn't think of anything and i also like chefie's song very much.

i got some kind of a bridge for you(also quite simple.. not very original, thinking about it again.. it's not really worth posting, sorry), but your song already seems so finished, so good the way it is.. well anyways :


I'm dancing on treetops, I'm flying with the wind
don't know where I'm going
don't care where I've been

I spent my mornings trying to wake up
spent the noon trying to see the light
spent the evening trying to understand
and my nights trying to do what's right

Now I'm dancing on treetops, I'm flying with the wind
don't know where I'm going
don't care where I've been

I spent my days wondering who I was
I spent my weeks pondering who I was not
I spent years searching for who I'd become
I spent my life searching for my lot

Now I'm dancing on treetops, I'm flying with the wind
don't know where I'm going
don't care where I've been

Trouble won't find me here
I spent my days with him for too many years

Now I'm dancing on treetops, I'm flying with the wind
don't know where I'm going
don't care where I've been

I spent the summer in the sunlight
I spent the fall wondering where to go
I spent the winter in loneliness
I spent the spring trying to grow

Now I'm dancing on treetops, I'm flying with the wind
don't know where I'm going
don't care where I've been

have a merry christmas everyone!

"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

Illustrious Member
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Chords of Doubt I like....the bridge is very simplistic, doesn't add much, but then again you've been more....minimalistic, to borrow what someone else said.....of late......

still not sure about that very last line though.....

"Bear this knowledge like a treasure in your head
And I swear when we meet at sunset
You will have lost weight."

Trying to get a handle on this, I tried some slow doomy chords....lots of reverb and sustain....

"Carry this knowledge like treasure,
And I swear when we meet at sunset,
You will have lost...............

Was what I came up with.....don't know if it fits better, but it seemed to make sense when I wrote it down last night....and still ends on a suitably enigmatic note.....

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

Noble Member
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hi vic.
thanks.. yes.. minimalistic.. don't know if it's good or even permanent.. :lol:
your revision of the last bit sounds good, but turns its meaning around for me.. not sure if i want it this way.
still i am glad you bothered trying to do something about it:-)
wish i heard you singing it :lol:


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin
