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Mp3 Links???

3 Posts
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Why don't they work?
Is it like this at every lesson, that would be a bummer

Posted : 27/12/2003 4:11 am
Posts: 5381
Illustrious Member

Which links?

Posted : 04/01/2004 3:43 am
Posts: 243
Reputable Member

My mp3 links stopped working about a week ago.  I don't know what happened, but I kept playing around with the settings in Windows Media Player until they worked.  I went under "Tools"-"Options"-"File Types" and made sure that mp3 was checked off.  I think another program had hijacked the default setting.

Another way around it is to right click the "Play mp3" icon, and select "Save Target As..."  It saves the mp3 to your hard drive.  An added benefit of that is that you can open it in some sound editors and slow the tempo, loop small sections, etc. so that you can work on bits that are causing you trouble.

Blame it on the lies that killed us, blame it on the truth that ran us down.

Posted : 10/02/2004 5:07 am