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Subscribe to individual forums?

2 Posts
2 Users
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Posts: 245
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Is it possible to subscribe to an individual forum instead of scrolling through all of the main forums to get to a topic that you like to visit frequently? I looked through the FAQ's and dug deep into this forum for an answer but I either overlooked it or there isn't one.

p.s. This site rocks :D

Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Posted : 18/08/2005 11:57 pm
Posts: 4472

Hi Bford and my apologies for not getting back to you sooner on this.

At the bottom left corner of each individual thread, there is a link labelled "watch this topic," Clicking on that will activate something (love my technical knowledge) that sends you an email whenever the thread has been added to. You can also click on it to tell it to "stop watching this topic."

Also, responding to a particular thread will automatically activate the "watch" mechanism, informing you of replies to your post.

Hope this helps.


Posted : 23/08/2005 12:06 pm