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Noble Member
Joined: Mar 11, 2005
Topics: 93 / Replies: 2078
Re: C Am F G

I find it very interesting. these chord changes work so well together.why is that? is it part of the circle? C and Am are made in heaven. I can solo...

14 years ago
Re: Notes from out side....scales and modes

And to add to the confusion, there are players and composers who use many chromatic tones (notes outside a scale) in their work without using one spec...

14 years ago
Re: Where Did The Guitar Tabs Go?

I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. There's a trade agreement, ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) that's being negotiated ...

14 years ago
Re: Reading Chord Voicings on the Spot

Yeah, it's really just a practice thing. Probably 95% of the chords I come across, i don't even think about, I just play.Part of that is because chord...

14 years ago
Re: Where Did The Guitar Tabs Go?

"Fair use" and "educational" HAVE to come into the equation somewhere.... Those concepts are generally not well understood. Fair use is the right to ...

14 years ago
Re: The chromatic scale

believe it or not, that's not really that far off.Being good at soloing starts with having the courage to do it. If that's not about ego, I don't know...

14 years ago
Re: The chromatic scale

As soon as you make and correct your mistake, make it again as soon as you can. This does two great things....It tells the audience you haven't made ...

14 years ago
Re: The chromatic scale

hi ....i ve questions about the chromatic scale ,,1- how to use the chromatic scale ? The answer to this can really take a lifetime of study, but t...

14 years ago
Re: a question for sight readers

To be fair, it is a real challenge for most people, even experience site readers, to ignore their ear and follow their eyes. Music is aural not visual...

14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 764
Re: Big Time Arrogance

I'd tell them how what they did strikes you. I'd let them know that you though they were there to help and encourage their customers and you feel slig...

14 years ago
Re: the Who and half time

I simply wasn't impressed.The songs are good enough, but the show itself lacked the energy and sheer joy of last year's Springsteen show. And the stag...

14 years ago
Re: Definition of Sus

Standardized terminology is all very well- otherwise we won't all know what we're talking about! But criticising a perfectly useful term as "wrong" be...

14 years ago
Re: Definition of Sus

To be clear, I'm looking for the suspended chord, not a suspension as an event over time where non-harmonic tone is resolved to the third. Basicall...

14 years ago
Re: Definition of Sus

To be clear, I'm looking for the suspended chord, not a suspension as an event over time where non-harmonic tone is resolved to the third.

14 years ago
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