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Behringer BX108 Thunderbird

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Last night I picked up said bass amp at Guitar Center for $69 bucks. I needed something small, light, and cheap to lug with me to my buddies house when jamming. I was very surprised by the tone this little beauty puts out! It's only 15 watts with a 8" speaker and I honestly wasn't expecting much from it, and while not loud in the least, it sounds great!

Generally when we jam, it's me on bass, a buddy on an electric-acoustic (not always plugged in) and a buddy on harmonica or acoustic. This little amp is plenty loud enough to be heard in said environment. Wouldn't compete well with an electric at moderate volume though.

We even used the line out to record a few tracks and it sounded pretty good in the mix. If anyone is interested, I'll see if I can get my hands on a clip.

Anyway, thought I'd let everyone know that for a very cheap, low wattage practice amp, the Thunderbird does a pretty good job! Looks pretty cool too!

Here's a link.


"Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"
