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2 questions...guitar type and songs..

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Hi, first off, I have been away from the site for a while and I am impressed with how much it has grown. Many hours can be spent here learning.

First question....I am craving another acoustic guitar. I presently have a lefty Dean Performer acoustic electric that is much easier to play than my original lefty Hohner that are really not built as lefties (they use righty nuts and tuning was a problem). I am to the point where I want to practice for longer periods of time but even with elixer coated strings, they can get rough on my fingers. Would a classical guitar be any easier on the fingers with those nylons strings to increase my practice time?

Second regard to beginner songs...I don't wish to sound negative here (only offer input for my positive recommendation) but all the beginner songs seem to be either so depressing (house of the rising sun) they want to make me put a bullet in my head or soooo happy they are like gay or something. I can't 'get into' playing any of these types of songs. I understand beginner songs must be simple but how about something that sounds good and upbeat like 'she talks to angels' by the black crowes??? i know the picking needs lots of practice but there is a lot of strumming also. This is a song I am presenty working on and I feel it is not complex for us beginners and if you listen to the guitar in that song, I think it sounds awesome! Some lessons and tips for this song would be greatly appreciated by myself and I am sure many others. I feel motivation is the biggest factor in continuing practice and trying to play something that sounds great keeps the motivation going strong! :-)

Sorry for the long post as my first post back here. Thanks for any advice/comments to what I have written here. - Joe :lol:

If it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing.

Honorable Member
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First question: So basically, you're having problems with your fingers getting sore? That does go away with time as your fingertip calouses build up more and more. Eventually it won't be a problem, just be patient. It can somtimes hurt, but tough it out and you'll be better for it.

As for beginner song selection, you've just gotta look around for songs that you're into. Though, there can be benefit to playing other types of songs. Don't put yourself into one category, branch out some.


Illustrious Member
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Excuse me??? You want a non-depressing song like "She talks to Angels"?:shock:

She never mentions the word addiction
In certain company
Yes, she'll tell you she's an orphan
After you meet her family
She paints her eyes black as night now
Pulls those shades down tight
Yeah she gives a smile when the pain comes
The pain gonna make everything alright, alright

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..not having a problem with lyrics. Just having a problem finding something that sounds great on guitar (which is all that interests me at this point) and is easy enough to try and tackle on my own.

I think the guitar in this song is excellent and has a fair amount of picking and strumming that would also serve to enhance both skills. I didn't even like the song (or the singers voice) until I bought a guitar and isolated the guitar in my mind as I often do these days when I listen to music looking for something that sounds good and could possibly be easy enough to print the tab and give it a shot.

Not exactly the type of response I would expect from a board moderator but thanks for taking the time for your input anyway Nick. 8) - Joe

If it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing.

Estimable Member
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Hey lefty,

Can you tell me the strumming pattern for She Talks to Angels please?

I can look back with a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent.

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If it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 5381

Hey I just call 'em as I see 'em. :D

You said the songs on here were depressing and then you go and suggest one of the most depressing songs written in recent years.

You didn't notice the irony?

Maybe we could look at some newer stuff. What else do you suggest?
