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thanks everyone, I really appreciate it :)

Estimable Member
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To put it simply, every new thing you learn will lead you into something learn a new chord in one song, you'll find it crops up in other songs. Learn a certain scale, you'll be surprised how often you'll use it.
:D :D :D


Oh definitely... often people are drawn to playing music because it seems magical in some way -- you have to let the synchronicity factor fly! OK ... I like to think I'm smart and I have spent 20+ years trying to wrap my head around music from a theoretical point of view -and failing miserably - but really music is from the heart. Let your head take a backseat sometimes.
Like many other beginning guitar players here, I started with "Horse With No Name" and knowing a song was incredibly empowering. I used to rely on having sheet music in front of me? Yes, I could play most scales on the piano but the guitar has set me free. :)
If you are struggling to find meaning and purpose in your playing, take a simple song that you love and look up the chords... then work with this song for as long as it takes for you to enjoy listening to yourself play. Then your lesson will have been learned :D

What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's really all about?

~ why yes, I am available on youtube ~

Famed Member
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Wow! Last few posts have been very Zen.
In fact you can model your life after some of the perspectives and advice.
So I'm going to add my 2 cents.
I'm retired, so I now have time to pursue things that have always interested me.
And music (mostly Rock because of its high energy) but even country (because it's down to earth and real), pop (because of a catchy tune or beat) have always lifted me.
I told my close friends that I was going to start learning the guitar because I want to be Eric Clapton in my next lifetime.
And that's pretty close to the truth (although Duane Allman is probably who I'd shoot for).
But the point is, I know I'm too old to be a star in a Rock band but I can start preparing now for that in the next few lifetimes LOL.
Actually, I'd be happy just to be proficient enough to be sitting on the porch in a Rocking chair learning a new tune on my guitar. In fact, I'm kinda aiming the rest of my life in that direction. Talk about scenes from "Deliverance" LOL
OK, I've spent my 2 cents. LOL

It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

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I would say TR had it. I've found that to be the best way is to learn the rhythym for the whole song, that's usually the fairly easy part and then go back and work on the solo. If the solo is too difficult move to the next song and start the process again.

Now I've been taking lessons for about 2 years now and I know I've improved, maybe not as fast as I wanted to but I have made some serious improvements and that is the way I have been approaching it.

And like TR mentioned you can work scales in whenever the mood strikes. As for chords I don't "practice" chords unless they show up in a song I'm learning and then I'll work on it if it's a new chord, but once you gain more experience learning new chords usually isn't that difficult.

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

Noble Member
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Actually, I'd be happy just to be proficient enough to be sitting on the porch in a Rocking chair learning a new tune on my guitar.
Here's a song to add to that scenario. :lol:

I wrapped a newspaper ’round my head
So I looked like I was deep

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I think I know how the OP feels. I too get frustrated at how long it takes to learn the simplest things on guitar.
It seems to me I've been playing a long time --it's maybe 2 months--and I still spend most of my time practicing scales and trying to learn chords and wondering "how in the world is a guy's fingers supposed to bend that way?"
Trying to learn a simple song, and my "playing" (if I can use the word so loosely) sounds at best mechanical and at worst downright crappy.
Every other thing I've ever tried to learn in my life has seemed to come easy. Pool, golf, jobs, etc. I've even had people comment that they'd never seen someone learn (insert activity here) so fast.
So I guess my expectations are too high. Some days when I finish a practice session I think I've really made some progress. Then the next day I stumble through what I breezed thru the night before.
I sure never thought it would be this hard. But hey, all my life I've wished I could make music and somehow or other I'm gonna do it.

Eminent Member
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I'm really not trying to sound like a self-help guru here :roll: but the main thing about setting goals is that they're well-defined and measurable. If you say I want to learn guitar well what does it mean to "learn guitar". I felt really overwhelmed when I started out too. Then I kinda set down and made of list of what I wanted to learn: specific songs, techniques, and theroy type stuff. I guess some people are really put off by making lists but it only usually takes like 15 minutes cause the stuff's in your head anyway just put it down on paper. I made stuff really specific like: learn the major, minor, and seventh chords and be able to change smoothly bettween them at 100 bpm. It worked alot better and I really felt like I was making progress when I could go through and check something off my list.

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Make it about having fun if you think of it as work you will not stick with it. I found that out the hard way and got so frustrated that I quick. Thats why I have be playing for 10 years but 2 years seriously. I only play for myself and close friends. It been said best its not about the out come its about the journey and the friends you make along the way!

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