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bends and vibrato with first finger only

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WHen you have a bend or vibrato on the fret occupied by the index finger, do you just do it with that one finger? I can do half-step bends with just the index finger, but not whole...just not enough strength in that one finger.

Or do some people quickly move the next one or two fingers onto that fret to temporarily help out for that brief moment? I tried this but can't move the fingers fast enough...I don't know if anyone does this. Thanks.

Illustrious Member
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I don't know about others, but I can do full whole step bends with my index finger. I have a really short stubby index finger, so maybe that helps. But you just have to keep practicing until you have the strength. It will come with time.

Myself, I bend both up or down. Pulling down I plant my index finger and just pivot my wrist downward pulling the string. But I also like to push the string straight up. I think I push up more than pull down. It is not something I think about. I just do it. I will usually pull down if I want to put a fast little vibrato on the end of the note. If I want a big, wide, and slow vibrato on the end of the note I like to push up.

So stay at it. Your index will get very strong with a little practice.

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Eventually you'll have enough strength to use one finger. Until then just think ahead so your middle finger is doing the bend so you can add your index to it. For instance shift your finger placement up one fret so your index is free too add at will.

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Yes there is times when you may need to use other fingers to help with bends, like if you needed to get more than a whole step.

