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My first week with a guitar in my hands.

17 Posts
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 11

The best advice I can give you is to practice consistently for at least 30 mins per day. Try to work on certain things in your practice (chord transitions, bar chords, scales ect...).

This site has some excellent lessons which you can learn allot from.

One you have some of the basics down start to learn songs. There is nothing cooler that being able to sit down and play songs for your friends and family...

Stop by Steve's web site and get free online guitar instructional videos and other cool stuff for guitarist.

Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 146

I just finished my first month, so here's a few things I'd recommend:

- Take classes, even if only a few. It'll fix your posture/way you set your fingers, and other small things.

- Get the G, C, A, E, D chords working. You can play a ton of songs with these, which'll keep you motivated.

- Don't force your practicing.You'll learn less if you have to make yourself play, it has to stay fun.

- The more you play, the more you want to play. If you leave it a few days you might feel like leaving it around more, and feel guilty about it. If you pick it up and start playing however, you'll find hours have passed before you blinked three times.

- Put the guitar somewhere you pass often, I can't walk past without trying it on for a quick song. Lots of small doses are better than one big chunk of playing.

- If it doesn't work and you're getting frustrated, put it away. If you come back 10 minutes later you might find yourself wondering what the issue was.

- Relaxation is the key to succesful playing. First try knowing what you're doing, then empty your mind when you do it well.

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