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Pain in the fret hand

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Hey, I just got a guitar as a graduation gift in June, I'd been interested in trying it for a while but before that had no experience. Since then I've been teaching myself stuff off the web, and just lately started working with a teacher, but I've only had two lessons so far. Total newb, right here.

My question is about this pain in my fret hand (and lower arm) I frequently get after playing. I know that there is going to be some discomfort with my arms and hands getting used to holding a guitar, but I don't think this is natural discomfort.

What it is (and I don't feel it when playing, usually not until a good while after), is a tightness in my hand, usually starting near or behind the thumb, running down the wrist. It's something I'll feel if I stretch my arm out, or clench my fist. Usually what happens is I'll feel the pain, get frustrated and not play for a couple days till it fades off, then play again.

I think part of the problem could be in my holding of the neck, as I had been prone to gripping the back like a baseball bat (which I've learned is incorrect). I've corrected that, but only recently, so I'm not yet sure if it's solved the problem.

I've never experienced anything like it on my strumming hand. That ones fine.

I'm just wondering if this is anything that anyone else has experienced when they're starting out and can advise me on what is most likely causing it, and how to fix it.


Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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What kind of pain is it? Is it a dull ache or is it a sharp pain that limits your movement in that hand? Does your hand go numb or tingly? How long do you practice before your hand starts to hurt? Do you type on the computer a lot (either work or home?)? (Could be Carpal Tunnel?)

If it's just a dull ache it's either your muscles working harder than they are used to or bad posture...

If it's a sharp pain then see a doctor...

Have your teacher check your posture and limit shorten your practice abit if you practice a long time...

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Hey, thanks for the reply.

Yea, it's more of a dull pain, and I never feel it when I play. Usually it's like a day after playing that I'll start to feel it.

My hand movement isn't limited by it. No numbness or tingling.

I have a lesson tuesday and will ask my teacher as well.


Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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One more question...does it feel like it's in the joint or is it in the muscle? Again, if it's in the joint see a doctor..

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Muscle, for sure. Kinda like a pull, I guess? Sort of akin to that feeling, albeit in the hand and wrist and not a leg.

Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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It sounds like you are gripping the neck to hard. Try and loosen up on your grip and see if that helps.

Taking a week off from the guitar wouldn't hurt either.

One question though, what is your main focus when you practice? In other words, what are you doing for the majority of your practice time?

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I'll try a looser grip, thanks.

As for your question, at this point my practice consists of the very little I know; chords and chord changes, pretty much exclusively. Of course there's also a little experimenting, just playing the different notes and seeing what I can put together.

But the great majority is simply chords.

Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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I would suggest you take more breaks with-in your practice time. Don't be afraid to shake your hand back and forth extremely fast to the point you think your hand will fly off and break a window. It helps loosen your hand up.

Maybe try some warm up exercises, start on the 1st string with your first finger and walk across the frets i.e. 1-2-3-4 (first string) 1-2-3-4 (second string) and continue till you get to the lower E (bass string) and then walk your way backwards 4-3-2-1, 4-3-2-1.

If you understand that, it will help you loosen up your hand a little better than just going straight into the chords that are hurting your hand.

Remember to take breaks though.

Good luck and have fun!

OH! :oops: Welcome to GN! :D


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haha, thanks, I'll try the hand shaking. And the warm ups, I've done something similar, and I'll try that too.

Thanks for the welcome :) I've learned a lot from this site via the lessons and I hope to learn a lot more from the boards.

Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Illustrious Member
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Also examine your wrist when playing.
If you extend the back of your forearm out the back of your hand should be in a fairly strait line. If your wrist is bent it will cause you pain.
Tracker is right on about the grip. Fret a couple of notes very lightly, see how much pressure it takes to play a clean note. Much less than you would expect. Don't grip any tighter than you have to.
To a degree some muscle pain can be attributed to using muscles in a new way and will go away in time, as will the sore fingertips.
One last thing is playing tense, this will cause pain in your arms, shoulders and even back. Make a concious effort to relax. If you feel yourself tensing up stop and relax again.

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sounds to me, like your tendons are stretching It would be my /guess/ that your hand loosens when you play and then contracts back a bit after you don't for say 20 or 30 minutes. Take more breaks and if the pain persists go to a doctor. There's also something called Ar Encap for tendons and joints that would probably help but it's expensive so I'd wait and see. On another note, it could be posture problems or just unrelated back problems. The spine is interconected with the entire body and can make you feel pain in weird places.

Guitarin' isn't a job, so don't make it one.

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Thanks guys, I've tried a number of your suggestions and I haven't felt the pain in a while!

Willow- Don't you have any ambitions?
Oz- Sure. E-flat diminish 9th.
Willow- Huh?
Oz- The E-flat, it's doable, but that diminish's a man's chord. You could lose a finger.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Posts: 2892


Illustrious Member
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i will do the muesunfreund's job here :lol: ,

Welcome to the asylum for the musically insane.Hope you enjoy your journey on GN.


Illustrious Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 8184

you said it doesn't show up till the next day. sounds like typical muscle pain... lactic acid. stretch your hand out, and take it easy if it gets bad, but it's nothing to worry about
