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Illustrious Member
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I don't think it's just a matter of practice. I have a friend that also plays guitar and has been playing for about 4 years longer than I have. Really, we both often ask each other "how did you do that?" and etc. Why? Because I'm into Rock/Metal and he's into the Blues, so we learn different skills and in different orders. I think the last time we jammed, I was amazed by his finger picking, while he was amazed and how fast I could play.

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Somewhere between 0 minutes and two hours, generally try to do 15-30 minutes per day though.

As that Pat chappy in Karate Kid said "Life is about balance", or something like that. I have a pregnant wife, full time job, great family and friends and London Marathon to train for so I just try to enjoy it all. Not to mention trying to cram in at least 2 hours of TV a night :lol:

I just wish I had more time, theres so much I want to do dammit!

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Don't be fooled that mucking around with a guitar is practice ..

dO like your chords A/G/E/D ... a easy strum pattern like D-u-d-u then change chord and so on

Use the chord your haveing most trouble with as home like say A ( if your having trouble with forming )


A-C-A-D-A-G-A-E-A- and so on

30 - 45 mins of proper practice per day every day ( no excuses ) and things will start happening so quick ...


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Are you people trying to tell me I'm old or what ?

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I at least practice one hour. Every 5 or 10 minutes I have planned out what I'm going to work on. On the weekends sometimes I practice more than a hour. But when I practice for to long I start getting burnt out. Sometimes I count listening to blues cds as part of my practice. I guess the amount of practice you need should depend on your goals or how much freetime you are willing to give to guitar playing.

"Failure is the key to success" Lee Wen; Champ vs Champ

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i usually aim for an hour a day at least, but i get stuck for 2-3 hours usually. Mostly 2-3 hour practice days, but on days with school (7 am - 3 pm) AND work (4pm - 10 pm) i don't get to practice at all. Some days i just get into it and go for 4 or 5 hours throughout the day. but when I'm practicing a technique i can't do, like inside alternate picking **cough**i hate you!!**cough** i usually quit after about 5 minutes because i can't do anything. Sometimes i persist for 20-30 minutes, but thats rare and doesn't last long.

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Posts: 127

i usually practice out of a book for like an hour then work on songs for a few hours then just come back to in every once in awhile when im bored......i really dont see how you could get ANYWHERE practicing 15 mins a day

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Posts: 424

I generally do at least an hour a day, six days a week (I heatrd it's goo to take one day off a week). I will try to get at least 2 days in where I go 2-3 hours. It all depends on what is going on on a specific day; I keep a pretty active schedule and am out a lot of evenings.

Whe I do practice, I set a schedule of what to work on and for how long to do each thing. I have a kitchen timer that I use to tell me how long. I'd usually start with about 10-15 minutes of warm-up (finger exercises, scales), then do a large chunk of time practicing the lead exercises I'm working on with my teacher. Then I'll go over either songs that my group at church will be doing that week or songs that I am trying to learn.

At the end I may work a little on a specific topic, like ear training, or creating some lead riffs of my own, or someting like that.

I'd like to have more time to practice- but then I'd haverto cut back on doing something else that i really want to do, and I am making progress, so it's all working out with the scedule as it is.



"Growing Older But Not UP!"

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