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Strumming Difficulties

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Yeah, I had four Dunlop Tortex picks that run the gamut as far as gauge is concerned, but I don't like the texture. I bought some Fenders the other day and I like those a lot more. They don't slip as much. Anyway, I like the thinner pick suggestion, because I definitely have less trouble with a thinner pick. Drawback is the obvious clicking sound it makes when I strum, but it's not that bad. Also, I tend to push myself to do the most difficult thing I can, because there are times when I'm fine and can strum no problem with even a really heavy pick. But if I'm having a rough day, or haven't been playing for a while, I have trouble and just get frustrated. It's working out though.

"There's no easy ways man," he said. "You gotta learn the hard parts for yourself."

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