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Delay Hold Triggeri...
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Delay Hold Triggering...

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Hello all.

I have recently been using a Behringer DD400 Delay, specifically for the unique way that the Hold function is triggered. When this cheap pedal, and a 2nd replacement, both broke down on tour, I was (finally) convinced that I need a more reliable brand pedal to do the job. However, upon trying literally every single delay / hold / loop pedal in the Sam Ash guitar store I was in...I couldn't find a single one that worked the way I needed it to. Not even the much-heralded Loop Station had quite the same functionality (though perhaps I just needed to toy with it a little longer).

The way the Behringer worked, was that when switched to "Hold" mode, you simply press down the pedal to record, then release it to begin the loop. This loop then repeats until you make another one. When you do it again, it replaces the loop that was already in place.

This sounds stupidly simple, but i simply cannot find anything else that does it in exactly this way. All the BOSS pedals I tried recquire two "taps" to trigger loops (which isnt instantaneous enough for me) and the Loop Station seemed to pile one loop ontop of the other, instead of one replacing the previous one.

Is there ANY other pedal I can find that works in this way? Or am I doomed to simply buy 1000 Behringers and hope they last me at least a few years?


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I couldn't find any other Digital Delays at the time you posted, and welcome to the forum!

Now I've delved in a little further, there a plenty of Harmony Central Reviews especially on the Ibanez DL5 - may or may not have the features you wanted. My son owns the Dot On Shaft, and I see that Digitech has a lot of vintage or used models, if the last links works, and doesn't expire. I am not familiar with the features of the very popular, maybe exotic Seymour Duncan Delay. Otherwise, your Behringers sound good already. :D

Ibanez DL5 Digital Delay
Daphon E10AD Delay
Livingstone E10DL Delay
Wholenote DL-8 Delay
Daphon E20DL Delay
Avondale ADD-3 Delay
Dimavery EPDL-50 Delay
Dot On Shaft E20DL Delay
Freedom E20DL Delay
JJ Labs Delay
Roberts E20DL Delay
Swamp E20DL Delay
Tony Smith DL-80 Delay
Wholenote DL-80 Delay
Clayton X-Treme DL-180 Delay
Wholenote DL-180 Delay

Last but not least, these BYOC Delays which are a Rebote 2 Clone built by Tone Bias look functional & interesting.

Like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.
