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amazing guitar secrets

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Ok, so i got this e-mail from guitarnoise awhile back with a link to this guy, "Dan Denley's" website. so I checked it out, since the original e-mail came from here. (this site) Anyway, I like alot of the information and think that it is good and only problem is......
I feel like I get e-mail inframercials from this guy about every other day trying to sell me something. I don't know if he's a member of this site or what the deal is. But I don't need sells pitchs sent to my e-mail. I get enough spam as it is. If I wanna buy it I will. i don't need someone sending me an e-mail telling me about this new site and great prices etc.

I'm not complaining, it's just what I feel, cause as I read the e-mails, I feel like someone is trying to sell to me and selectively sugest that I whip out a credit card.

Anyone else having this problem?

Honorable Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 312

No, Im not having that exact problem. I did however get that email and i checked it out. I think its ridiculous. Anyone who buys a dvd, book, or really any forum of that to learn guitar whether its from Randy Rhoads, (insert fav guitarist) or not, we should all just get off our lazy A** and PRACTICE. You cant cheat your way through college, You cant cheat your way through marrige, and you Definatly cant cheat your way through music. Pay for 1 on 1 Guitar lessons with your local teacher, Learn theory, Note reading, and be about your marry way to learning guitar and instruments the correct way with out trying to find a cheap easy fly by night dvd.

lol- Sorry, just a little mad...


Sing Me A Song Your a Singer, Do me a wrong, your a bringer of evil. - Dio

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Let's keep the thread on track shall we, rather than veer off at a tangent about practice regimes and study materials.

Bonzo - as far as I know there haven't been any complaints fed back about the link. Did you enter your e-mail address when you first went to the site - it's very easy to do when faced with a "Submit" box and brief details about a newsletter or offers.

There should be Unsubscribe information on what you're receiving, and if you feel you're being bombarded that's probably the easiest way to stop it happening. If not, or if it doesn't work, let us know.


A :-)

"Be good at what you can do" - Fingerbanger"
I have always felt that it is better to do what is beautiful than what is 'right'" - Eliot Fisk
Wedding music and guitar lessons in Essex. Listen at:

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Alan, I likw the material, please don't get me wrong. I guess I was feeling that way cause i have been reading Dave ramsey's book, "The total money makeover" I wasn't lashing out at GN. I was just wondering if it was just me or if anyone else felt the same way. I like reading the stuff and I guess if i wanna continue i will have to put up with "suggestive" selling. but that's ok. the guy's just trying to make a buck for his work and I guess i can respect that.

Metallicaman, even though i agree with some of what you say. I still believe you can learn from books and dvd's etc. the only real difference is a teacher can help you focus more and point out your problems quicker and you have the human interaction. so I can see your point but I don't think there's nothing wrong with reading books and watching dvd's on guitar. After all....a guitar teacher is going to give you a book with the stuf they are trying to teach you. I've already ben to 2 different teachers and the results are the same. I'm not saying don't get a teaqcher, what I'm saying is that books and dvd's can also help you and help inprove you on the side. There's nothing wrong with it.

By the way, I'm also a Metallica fan. Thanks for your input.

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Posts: 5342

Well, as long as you're getting something from it then I guess the trade-off with the salemanship isn't too bad.


A :-)

"Be good at what you can do" - Fingerbanger"
I have always felt that it is better to do what is beautiful than what is 'right'" - Eliot Fisk
Wedding music and guitar lessons in Essex. Listen at:

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I had the same experience as you from a different site where I purchased some material that was pretty good, and though it wasn't "amazing", as suggested in the product name, it had some pretty good information. After purchasing, I get bombarded with emails from the site. Had to eventually block them. I guess my suggestion would be to just be careful what sites you give your email address to. If you're buying something, you pretty much have to, but some will try to get you to sign up for a newsletter or something, then they try to get you to buy their product. Nothing wrong with that, but be careful as some spam once in awhile isn't too bad, getting you inbox flooded on the other hand...
Also, just because you've seen an ad on the GN site or in the newsletter, doesn't meen GN has anything to do with that person. They are affiliates, and pay GN for the right to advertise on the site. I do think Paul does a good job in picking the ones he does, so look at it as a recomendation of something to check out if you're interested. Just be careful who you give your email address to, and remember, you can always re-direct to your junk mail box. :wink:


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Noble Member
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I agree with not liking spam. If your using Outlook Express you can put that mail address in a block senders list. With Outlook Express open, highlight the mail you want to block and Click Message at the top of Outlook, when the menu pops up click Block Sender. A message will pop up asking if you really want to do this. Click yes or ok.

Then go the MSN and get a free hot mail account and use that when your asked to fill out things on websites. Also don't use your real name setting up an anonymous e-mail acount.

