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Ground issue while turning pot

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Just bought myself a nice piece of Fender Japan guitar, an Jaguar Bottom Master baritone with built in fuzz effects. Just lovley! But I've been trying it now and find some questions (fuzz switch off during this issue). The first one I belive will have a aprt in the second one.

1. While turning the volume pot from 0 to 10 the sound comes smooth up to 7 but then it get from 7 to 10 it almost doubles in volume strength. So I'm figuring it might be a linear pot there. Should I change that to an log pot? Does it matter or is it just a habit question?

2. While turning the same volume pot from 0 to 10 it starts a smooth ground-ish hum that increses up to approx 7, the dissapear entirely. Which means I don't have a problem at all when playing full volume, but feel limited with this issue.

Thanks and I belive I'll be glad to have become a part of your lovley board!
