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Turn acoustic into Ele/Acoustic

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Help please!!
I have a hole pickup and it sounds great...
I would like to make a hole to put the jack directly into the guitar instead of getting a cable out of the hole (it is annoying)

The connection is no problem... the pickup has a mini-jack input... but I need to know where and how to make the second hole to attach the jack-port.
Thanks in advance

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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Some electro-acoustics are done with a hole drilled somewhere in the rim -- never the top. However, it's become fairly standard to replace the lower strap pin with a combination strap pin/jack a.k.a., endpin jack. This requires removing or sawing off the original strap pin, then reaming or drilling a hole for the new endpin jack. It also will require cutting and soldering the pup cable to the new jack. This is usually done sans strings so that one may insert the new jack from the inside (add specially-shaped nut on outside), plus route the pup cable and tack it down to prevent mechanical buzzes and rattles.

Here's a link that explains it:

These instructions are for a battery-powered Fishman pup, for which the endpin jack also switches on/off the power upon insertion of the plug. If your pup does not require the switch, you need only solder the shield and the white center conductor to the jack.


-=tension & release=-
