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Noble Member
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I recently started using a BOSS me 50 floorboard, and on it there is a compression nob. i have heard about compressors but never used them. the thing is, when i turn it on, i get a hiss, and if i turn it up higher, i get a loud hiss.

im no expert but im pretty sure making a loud hiss isnt a cool sound effect :lol: so, what is my compression for, how and when would i use it?
I already know that i can make the hiss louder by adding distortion, but id like some non hiss related uses for it??

"I like to play that guitar. I have to stare at it while I'm playing it because I'm not very good at playing it."
Noel Gallagher (who took the words right out of my mouth)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
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A compressor amplifies low level signals a lot, high level signals less. If your low level signal is hissy, it can't fix that.

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Noble Member
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thanks. why would it amplify low level signals (by this i take it you mean low amplitude, not pitch??)?
is it a type of volume pedal??

i only ask because genuinely i have no idea what it is there for?

"I like to play that guitar. I have to stare at it while I'm playing it because I'm not very good at playing it."
Noel Gallagher (who took the words right out of my mouth)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 7833

That's what a compressor does. It amplifies low level signals lots and leaves strong signals alone so your volume stays pretty much the same all the time. One effect that has is giving you a great deal of sustain, since the weak fading tone will sound as loud as the strong tone after the pick attack. Kills any dynamics in your playing, though, as also will using lots of gain or maxing the volume.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Noble Member
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thanks ricochet. I cant see me using it much by the sounds of it but i will look out for songs which do use it so i can get for a feel for how other people do it. cheers

"I like to play that guitar. I have to stare at it while I'm playing it because I'm not very good at playing it."
Noel Gallagher (who took the words right out of my mouth)
