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I know a Bass Playe...
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I know a Bass Player....

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Have you guys talked about what songs you plan on doing? Might be a good idea, that way you have a week to work on them.

Posted : 09/10/2006 8:26 pm
Posts: 5480
Illustrious Member
Topic starter


Have you guys talked about what songs you plan on doing? Might be a good idea, that way you have a week to work on them.

We actually did. Some stones tunes, a bit of AC/DC, stuff like that. I'm practicing big time.

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

Posted : 10/10/2006 12:50 am
Posts: 5044
Illustrious Member

It's on for this Sunday!!!! Now I'm nervous as heck. :lol:

Hey, that's great! Relax, you'll do fine. 8) :D


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 10/10/2006 2:12 am
Posts: 5480
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

It's been delayed two weekends. :( His schedule got full this weekend and mine is toast for the next.

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

Posted : 10/10/2006 11:23 pm
Posts: 5582
Illustrious Member


Way to go! Can't wait to hear your report.

You know, you will often see people post here and ask how they can get in a band, or find someone to jam with. It almost seems like a big mystery to many. And I can see that.

But you just have to do something. Go down to the music store and post an ad "guitarist looking to join band, or guitarist looking to jam". Or go down to the local Open Mic. Or in your case, you contact that bass player down the street.

So, there is no definite answer for this. But one thing is for sure, YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. It doesn't come to you.

You have shown a good example here. Just do ANYTHING you can to find someone to play with. Sooner or later something good will happen.

Or as a friend of mine used to say, "even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile" :D

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

Posted : 16/10/2006 9:54 pm
Posts: 1735
Noble Member

I can't wait to hear the results!

"Nothing...can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts."

Posted : 18/10/2006 9:35 pm
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