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Any Advice?

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I'm 14 and planning on getting a guitar...I can already read music notes but don't know anything about guitars im currently interested in Bass Guitars or Electric any advice out there?Trying to find something between $50-$150.

Prominent Member
Joined: 16 years ago
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There's gonna be a lot of advice coming, I'll just start it off. FIrst of all, welcome to the boards, and the guitar! :-)

a budget of $50 to $150 is NOT a lot, but there are some playable guitars in that range, though mostly the high end of it. If you could find a way to make it go even a little higher, you probably won't regret it. For 100-150 you can just barely get a decent starter, but if you could move it up a little, you'll get something that will last you longer, and further into your playing. Not much work available for 14 year olds, though, I do understand. If you can't...check out rondomusic online. You should be able to get a decent sort of stratocopy (a guitar similar to a stratocaster but not from Fender.) And whatever you get, enjoy it.

If you can move the budget up a tiny bit, a squier strat or yamaha pacifica would be good. (YIKES! I just found that pacifica link- if you can get to $179.99 that's a kicking guitar for the price. I thought they were more...)

All of this is IF you decide on guitar. If it's bass...I know less about bass. So I won't go there.

What sort of music do you want to play? Or like to listen to? This will impact what kind of guitar...


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+1 on the Yamaha Pacifica, pretty good guitar for the price.

Now, bass guitars. Yamaha also has good starter basses, for example, the Yamaha RBX170. Ibanez has also good starter basses. For example, the GSR series.

You will also need an amp, picks, tuner, etc. You will need save some money in the next few months.

And welcome to GN!

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im currently interested in Bass Guitars or Electric any advice out there?

It can take a while to find your calling. My first instrument was an Aria Pro II jazz bass -- beautiful instrument -- which I traded for a badly beat-up '68 Gibson SGJr. -- then about five years later figured out that I'm really more of a bass player than guitarist. (God, I miss that Aria.) So I advise you to look for something you can trade in easily.

(Being an old geezer, I also advise you to consider a good-quality, inexpensive acoustic guitar. It's something you probably will always use, whatever you wind up playing, and it's a better instrument IMO for building good technique overall.)

:::pausing for RaZedStyLeZ to roll eyes:::

Welcome to the forums, and please let us know what you pick!

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream." - Frank Zappa

Famed Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2241

If you have any guitar playing friends, take them with you when you go shopping, to make sure the guiter you buy is the best in your price range.

Ra Er Ga.

Ninjazz have SuperChops.
