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First Jam Songs

6 Posts
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Prominent Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 652
Topic starter the last months, I've really been wanting to get serious about playing with a band. The bands that auditioned me, though, are generally already gigging, and work responsibilities mean there's no way I can learn a 2-3 hour set list in the near future. (Even if I were good enough. Which in plenty of cases, I'm not.)

But last night in the bar, I got to talking to several guys I know, and a lot of them are having the same frustration of having nobody to make music with. So I thought I'd set up a jam. I know where we can get a rehearsal space, and am wondering what to play.

We are:

One drummer.

Three guitarists. (Including me)

I have a bass, and it seems like everybody has played bass before, so we'll probably be taking turns on the bass and the geetars, making it a two guitar, one bass set up.

No singers, but all willing to sing. Probably take turns.

Talking music, one guy mentioned smashing pumkins. Another mentioned Nirvana. I'm mostly a seventies rock guy, AC/DC, steppenwolf, but as long as it has guitars and a lot of crunch, I'll probably like it.

I'm thinking of putting together a list, maybe 3-5 songs that aren't too tough, inviting everybody and asking them to learn these songs, and getting together in a few weeks or a month.

What songs would you use?


Noble Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 1435

Since you are all on the same page band-wise but on different pages musically, you might get better participation if each person picks 1 song and you all learn that one. Once you get those down, each person picks another song. That way, everyone is getting to play what they're interested in.

As for songs, Born to Be Wild is a good one that's not too difficult and you can extend it out for solos. A group I've jammed with does Smashing Pumpkins 1979.

Bass player for Undercover

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1281

Since you are all on the same page band-wise but on different pages musically, you might get better participation if each person picks 1 song and you all learn that one. Once you get those down, each person picks another song. That way, everyone is getting to play what they're interested in.

i'll second that. when we started playing, we had no fixed method of choosing songs. at first we were all just so happy to be playing we didnt care - but when the novelty wore off it soon became important to us that we all contributed equally to the set.

"I like to play that guitar. I have to stare at it while I'm playing it because I'm not very good at playing it."
Noel Gallagher (who took the words right out of my mouth)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 6348

you should design your sets to build interest and energy in your listeners. have sets that will work a crowd that dances.
have a set that gets them in a frenzy. that's what I think about. great news about the getting together. have a blast.

Famed Member
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Posts: 4459

Here are a few easy ones to get you started:

All right Now
Born to be Wild
Livin after Midnight
Beer Drinkers Hellraisers
Sunshine of your Love

and forgot a new one I just learned this weekend..Rock n Roll Hoochie Koo

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

Prominent Member
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Thanks guys-

I'd already put up born to be wild as one suggestion! Killer song, which I can actually play.

As far as listeners are concerned, that's a ways off if it ever happens. Right now, just a bunch of guys who want to play.
I feel like we'd need to be more unified musically in terms of tastes than it sounds like we are. But, it's supposed to be fun!

(Planned for end of May. Will let oyu know how it goes!)

