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Is this Guitar good?

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Starcaster Sunburst Electric Guitar and Amp Package

Starcaster® by Fender® solid body electric guitar

Double cutaway body style
Sunburst finish
Action maple neck with rosewood fingerboard
3-ply white-black-white pickguard
3 single coil pickups
Versatile 5-way switching
Smooth floating tremolo
SP-10 Amplifier

10 watt amplifier with Distortion Control (on/off)
Headphone jack
Volume, Bass, Treble controls

Nylon strap
Pick assortment
10' Cable
Sturdy Gig Bag for transport and storage
Instructional DVD – Fender® presents - Getting Started on Guitar: The First Step – Tuning, Techniques and Essential Chords
Starcaster® by Fender® Digital Quartz Tuner
Full Enclosure Stereo Headphones
Guitar Stand

P.s. Im not a medal rock guy, im a elvis/Beach Boys/ John stamos/Drake bell (If you no him) guy

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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I've never played one, but I did see a "Starcaster" :roll: at Best Buy, and it looked pretty cheap. I think there are some pretty good starter combo packs out there, but in the end, I'd suggest you go to your local guitar store, ask questions, and try some rigs out yourself. You'll know when one feels just "right. I wouldn't suggest buying musical equipment from Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or the like. Just my opinion.


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Trusted Member
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That's pretty much the same package I bought just over 6 months ago.
I'm pretty interested in what more experienced and knowledegable players will have to say but I can say this much - it has worked well for me as a complete beginner to guitar. I did take it in to a guitar shop for a professional setup - that was worthwhile. The amp is ... pretty boring. It works. You can hear yourself and it goes plenty loud for practicing. But you'll probably want to replace it if you stick with playing for very long. I bought a Roland Microcube a couple of months ago and it made me sound a lot better.
The instructional DVD is fair. A little fast paced if you are a total beginner but you can supplement that with lessons from GuitarNoise. The strap was terrible - replace immediately. The tuner works ok, but for about $15 you can get one where you don't have to push a button for each string you want to tune.

If I'd known how much I love playing and that I would stick with it, I would have spent more for a better guitar. But we don't always know how long a new interest will last, right? If you really think you are going to stay with it, and you can afford a few more dollars, you might consider buying a Squire Affinity Strat
and something like a Roland Microcube (plenty of other good amd choices for only around $100). You can get better quality stands, straps, and tuners for around $15 to $20 each. So, you'd end up with your own beginners package with better quality stuff for around $300. However, if you budget is tight or you just don't want to spend more until you are sure you are going to stick with playing, then I think this package is definitely OK to get you going.

I hope we hear more opinions about "Starcaster by Fender" guitars. I'm certainly no expert and would like to learn more too.

I want to play guitar very badly -
and I do!

Famed Member
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I didn't notice a price on your package but from personal experience I had this kit as my first NEW guitar purchase almost 2 years ago.

I sold the entire package to a friend for his son once I got through with it. It's still kicking and that family likes it very much.


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

Famed Member
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the local warehouse store (sams club) is selling these. i checked them out and i believe that the squier package or any of the other comparable ones you see are much better.


Illustrious Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 6348

if guitar playing takes then you'd out grow that package fast.

I didnt start that way, but one has to start somewhere.
if you think you may not want to contiue with learning then go for it.
but since guitar is a life long endeavor maybe you should look around for something better, possibly used.
