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Music Sharing... wh...
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Music Sharing... what about...???

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Noble Member
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Hey all.

I'm sorry I haven't sifted through the threads to see if this has come up and I don't want to start a huge debate or argument as I know this is such a touchy subject right now, and RIAA, RIZA, HEMA (ok I made those last two up) and everyone's brother in the music industry is on the letigious band-wagon to crack down on "PIRATE" sites, and I don't currently subscribe to any of the "Legit" sites nor ANY site for that matter. I have a question or two about music you can't (ie Purchase in stores) get anymore.

How does one go about finding some music that isn't in "Print" anymore??

Say I was looking for some "Agent Orange" or "Specimen" or "BauHaus" or "Tones on Tail" or even some old "Depeche Mode". Do these "Subscription" sites have most if not all music available? I'm mainly interested in the 80's English Dance/Club/NewWave/Punk genres.

Way back in the Napster Days I justified downloading, cuz I couldn't find the music in the stores anymore, but I'm not going to subscribe to a service if they don't have the music I desire available to me.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977)

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I'd try itunes. Registering doesn't cost you anything, you go to the music store and you pay by the song (usually $0.99 per song). I did a quick search (typed in agent orange in the music store search) and without knowing what the "rare" agent orange songs are I came up with about 30. No harm in giving it a try.

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Excellent.. Thank you.

AO's "Everything Turns Grey" is a pretty good one :)

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977)

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I did hear that sites like iTunes will be raising their ratesand people are not happy about it...

I was looking for a song by a band called Talas and I heard the guitarist/singer worked at a radio station about 1 hour away. I went to the station's website and found his about a week I had the song in my email. He was glad he still had fans and was very generous..

Maybe the bands you're looking for have websites to contact them...

Just a thought.

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If anyone is really interested in this, check out a book called "The Future of Music", by Kusek and Leonhard. Its a quick read and makes a lot of good points regarding P2P sharing and the record labels. It maintains that, ultimately, pay per song sites will go the way of good scripted comedy; and in its place will be subscription services.

Although, the book isn't incredibly well written, its still very good and even points out the absurdity regrading this attack on file sharing, citing radio and cable tv as examples.

I pity the fool, but also suggest ways he might better himself.
