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Plenty to Lose

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I'm with you. 5-10, 254. Sooner or later, this weight is going to turn my baseball game into crap. As soon as I'm cleared, it's excercise 6 days a week.

Excellent point here: get clearance if you can.

I lost around 30 lbs recently(within the last year and a half) (went from a high of 212 to about 180 at 6 ft tall). Partly, the result of an unexpected (genetic) condition. I feel terrific. Lighter on my feet. Less sluggish. More energy. Got full clearance after medical tests; and never looking back..

-drink lots of water
-high fibre, low fat diet (avoid saturated fats, monounsaturates are the best)
-lots of raw vegetables and fruits.
-cut out refined sugars.

What you want to do, is efficiently metabolize carbohydrates. (i.e You can still have reasonable amounts of carbs) Fats slow down the metabolizing of carbs., resulting is lower efficiency. Exercise increases metabolizing---> more efficiency.

There I go preaching again :)

Best wishes to you all

Ghost 8)

"Colour made the grass less green..." 3000 miles, Tracy Chapman

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Well, I think you're partially right ghost. You want to have a good ammount of healthy fats(polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) in your diet and you want to combine fats and carbs as LITTLE as possible. If you body has a supply of fat (obviously your body needs fat) then it's less likely to store it...if it's the right kind.

Guitarin' isn't a job, so don't make it one.

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I want to lose at least 50 pounds. So I'm starting to keep a journal of every thing i eat( if you bite it-write it) and work my way up to 1/2 hour a day of mod. exorcise( I have a schwinn Airdyne). --the dog

Two sites I found useful for "writing down" stuff:

This is a free online fitness and weight loss tracker. Free registration. It does require a little data entry; but it comes with a good database of the nutritive contents of foods. It tracks the numbers and percentages of daily-consumed nutrients; and not only has graphical displays; but also allows to you set daily nutrient goals, and alerts you when you are not getting enough, or getting too much of a specific nutrient. Excellent program--especially when you initially start to write down your foods. I understand the paid program is even better.
Excellent database on nutrition. Interesting graphical representations. Contains USDA numbers. A number of excellent articles on weight loss. Useful info for those foods which don't show up in Fit Day. Also, shows fast food numbers, (if you can take it!)

Jason: thanks for pointing out my omission. Yes, we do need Fats, preferably the right kind (poly and mono-unsaturates).

Best wishes to all, I look forward to reading of your successes in the weeks to come!

Ghost 8)

"Colour made the grass less green..." 3000 miles, Tracy Chapman

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Man, I was hoping to have another month and a half before having to do much. I held our baseball team's winter meeting tonight and everyone wants to start Spring training now. Sheeesh.

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

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I'm 179cm (5'10") and 89kg (196 lbs), pretty close to being ripped. I'm a powerlifter and since I took up weight training 2 years ago I have put on a lot of muscle and lost quite a bit of fat as well.

5 years ago I was a smoker. I also walked 3.5km (~2 miles) to work and back every day. I was about 75kg (165 lbs), very thin. At that time I simultaneously stopped smoking, stopped walking to work (workplace moved) and started playing bass (and guitar) again (after 17 years of neglect).

In 1 year, I put on about 10kg (~22 lbs) of fat. It was a combination of not walking regularly and eating more snacks and candy instead of smoking.

I started swimming and cut down on the junk. I put on some muscle and lost most of the fat, but started having shoulder problems that almost always afflict swimmers sooner or later.

2 years ago I was 81kg (179 lbs) and took up weight training. At first I used the machines, but got bored and soon switched over to free weights which are more effective and far more enjoyable.

So anyway, now I'm about 14kg (~31 lbs) heavier than before I stopped smoking, about as thin, but in much, much better shape and about twice as strong. A good trade, I think.

Being strong also helps a lot when playing a rock-heavy Musicman or schlepping around amplifiers and cabinets when we play gigs.

Helgi Briem
hbriem AT gmail DOT com

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At 6' 3" and 232 lbs I could lose 50 too, but I think I'm metabolically challenged. Everytime I have to choose between taking a long walk and playing guitar, I choose the guitar.
Btw, geo, when you quit smoking, some enzyme in your system changes and leads to weight gain. Eventually you adjust. At least that's what I think I read somewhere.

Well we all shine on--like the moon and the stars and the sun.
-- John Lennon

Eminent Member
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I'm on that too!
I'm 178cm (5'10") and 74kg (163lb), and I want to lose 4kg (10lbs) before summer.
In the last 10 years I got almost 40lbs, then in 2 years I have lost 30 of them, now I want to loose the last 10.

For me the secret is to eat a little less of what you are used to, and eat it at the right time.
Have a good breakfast, with lots of fibers, have a fruit or some biscuit during the morning and the afternoon, have a light meal, and a light dinner. Eat less meat and only at dinner.
The most important fact for nutrition is:
The human body is designed to resist to the absence of food, so if you feel hungry often your body will react trying to accumulate as much fat as possible.

Plus, make some exercise, I don't mean to go to the gym if you don't want to, in fact a long walk can be more effective than a run to lose weight, it's a matter of metabolic behaviour.

So try to change your dayly routine. As some says:
"You don't become fat between Xmas and New Year's day, but between New Year's Day and Christmas" ;-)

Illustrious Member
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find a physical activity you enjoy, like basketball or swimming or racquetball, something you can do for a long time without getting bored.

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Wish you all the best!

If I lost any weight I'd have to install a finer mesh drain in the shower! :lol:

I'm 5'8" and 150lbs.


"Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"

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I'm 5'8" and 150lbs.

Man, I've got hair thicker than that. Well only a few but none the less...


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

Illustrious Member
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When I finished college I was 6'3" and 155 lbs. I'm still 6'3" but have added 100 lbs to that. Hard to believe. :shock:

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Noble Member
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sure i'll give it a go. i'm 5'8" at about 230, so im a bit chunky. I think my main diet change would have to be to actually eat stuff more consistently. i tend to just eat when im hungry as opposed to having like, 4 or 5 small meals a day, like oyu're supposed to to help lose weight (or so im told). I don't snack a whole lot, just a little bit.

so here's to diets!!!

Noble Member
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oh and i second the water thing. i have recently added water to my diet and i am carrying one of those big Nalgene bottles with me all day at school. i drink a whole bottle during the work day, and usually a little more at night. sure, i have to pee alot, but so far this past week i've felt alot better and more alert. im not sure if ive lost any weight yet cos of it, but still, more water in your diet will make you feel better.

Illustrious Member
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Finally at last i found some people who are around my height...

Between i also drink lots and lots of water.That really helps !

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From where I stand, I'm a short 5'9", weigh only on a good day 148 lbs. I actually hit over 160 once and it was my proudest moment, but it took a lot of beer drinking to get to that point.

The fact is, if you can play, and not feel to exerted from playing you're doing fine.

Gotta lose weight at the start of the year is great, but you really need the support team. Friends, Family, Kids just rooting you on to do it.

So don't stress over the next couple of months at where you at! Just take it one day at a time, just like learning guitar.

Cheers, Kenny (We are what we are!).

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