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Advice on how to improve my voice?

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Hey, so I'm a novice as a vocalist, but have managed (through a fair amount of tears :) ) to learn to sing on key far better than I ever had before, and am now looking to improve my vocal tone. Here's a really short clip of me singing something I wrote. I welcome any encouraging or disparaging comments, and any advice on how to improve. Thanks guys!

Illustrious Member
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Welcome to guitarnoise!

Nothing wrong with your voice.

It sounds like you are singing quietly, probably while sitting down. You have a good tone, stay on pitch pretty much all the time, but you aren't supporting your voice. Forget you are singing into a mic, pretend you are singing to someone standing about six feet from you. Not so far that you have to yell, but far enough you have to sing at about the volume of normal speaking.

Try that, that should do wonders.

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Cool arrangment, good melody line. You have a good song from the short clip you posted. Yes, the singing is quiet. Most important rule of thumb with singing - sing from you diaphram. In order to do this correctly, it will almost force you to sing loudly until you learn to use your diaphram quietly. Imagine using all your stomach muscles to sing. You will feel your stomach tight when you sing. You have a good voice, now project it. The less timidly you sing, the more professional you will sound, even if some notes are a bit off. I know this from self experience - I have probably the worse intonation a professional singer could have but I make up for it with attitude :) .

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Thanks for the welcome and for the replies!

I uploaded another take where I attempt to sing more forcefully, but I feel like I'm losing control and that the tone is undesirable. Am I doing something wrong, or does it just take practice?

Noble Member
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I went to your link and found that you now have 2 versions posted. Yes, you are louder in the second one. You also sound like you are straining, especially on the high notes where you are not quite on pitch. Your voice does not sound as good as on the first version. It may have been just a matter of mic placement on the first try where the guitar is loud and your voice is soft.

Overall, your sense of pitch is not bad and your voice is fine. You can definitely learn to be a good singer. However, I don't think you really understood the advice about using your diaphragm and supporting your voice. You need to breathe deeply and control your breathing when you sing.


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Thanks for taking the time to listen.

I agree, I didn't understand the advice. Would it be too much to ask for some clarification? If someone can tell me concretely what to work on, I can try it for a few nights then upload a clip and go from there. I'd really like to take vocals seriously, but have only started singing in earnest recently, so I'm looking for late starter help wherever I can.

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Thanks for the welcome and for the replies!

I uploaded another take where I attempt to sing more forcefully, but I feel like I'm losing control and that the tone is undesirable. Am I doing something wrong, or does it just take practice?

Now, I think the second clip is much better:) Intonation wise, no - but there is much more expression and character in your voice. While you are first learning to use your diaphram, you will naturally sing louder. Diaphram control will come in time. Imagine using your stomach muscles when you sing. Tighten your stomach when you sing. Don't let the singing come from only your nose or throat, feel it coming from further down, from your stomach area. I know this is hard to perceive and you will understand once you really feel it. The first time you went to the higher line, you were flat and slid up to the higher notes. The second and third times you went to the higher part were much better. I believe you are on the right track now. Remeber, as Hobson said, becareful not to confuse straining with supporting your voice. Straining will lend to injury and you don't want that. You will know because your throat should start getting sore. Your voice reminds me of Billy Joe Armstrong.

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Thanks for the reply and encouraging words (As well as the comparison, though I don't see it. Maybe in the nasal quality?)

I think I understand what you mean by supporting now, and I uploaded a cover of part of a Gaslight Anthem song (recorded on my web cam microphone this time, so a fair bit lower quality) and think I've managed to give my voice a fair bit more body. The problem is that I don't find it very expressive, by the end of the recording I'm tired of the monotony. I'm not sure what amount of help seeking is standard on these forums, and if I've already overstepped the boundaries, but thanks everyone so much for taking the time to listen thus far, and for any future advice you have.

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Thanks for the reply and encouraging words (As well as the comparison, though I don't see it. Maybe in the nasal quality?)

I think I understand what you mean by supporting now, and I uploaded a cover of part of a Gaslight Anthem song (recorded on my web cam microphone this time, so a fair bit lower quality) and think I've managed to give my voice a fair bit more body. The problem is that I don't find it very expressive, by the end of the recording I'm tired of the monotony. I'm not sure what amount of help seeking is standard on these forums, and if I've already overstepped the boundaries, but thanks everyone so much for taking the time to listen thus far, and for any future advice you have.

No worries, the only bad question is the one that doesn't get asked. The forums are for just this. Keep asking away. I'm at work at the moment but will listen to your new sample when I get home in the morning. Expressiveness (sp?) comes with time and experience. Master your technique first, then add color after.

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Great Expectations has great improvements :D . Seriously, I now here character in your voice, and I also hear the support. Now, there are intonation issues, but that will come in time as well. Now you need to sing, sing, sing with the suport you used in that last clip. You are worried about the monotony but I hear timbre differences in your voice so don't worry about that. The best way to improve intonation (other than singing lessons), is to record and listen. We often don't hear our mistakes until we play back what we just sang. I think I nail a vocal take and then upon playback notice slight intonation mistakes. You're on your way - now keep at it.

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Thanks for your honest and helpful reply. Everyone else too :)

I guess all that's left then is to woodshed, seek out a good teacher, and keep telling myself it'll pay off in the end. Just wanted a bit of direction that I was having trouble finding.

Thanks again!

Estimable Member
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Posts: 91

Thanks for your honest and helpful reply. Everyone else too :)

I guess all that's left then is to woodshed, seek out a good teacher, and keep telling myself it'll pay off in the end. Just wanted a bit of direction that I was having trouble finding.

Thanks again!

Your welcome. Nothing pays off more than a good teacher - very beneficial.

Why do we have to get old...
