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Beside the flame

2 Posts
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I sometimes think
It might have been better
If we had never met
Then the space between us
Gets so hot
It melts away regrets
We burn everyone around us
I still feel the shame
But mostly I just want to touch

The flame
The flame
Let me warm myself
Again, against the flame
The pain
Let me warm myself
Beside, beside the flame

Is there a place
Maybe an ocean
Thats cold enough
To quench, to quench
The flame
To let you burn
Everything away
I pray
But mostly I just want to touch

The flame
The flame
Let me warm myself
Again, against the flame
The pain
Let me stand
Beside, beside
The flame


I'm one too many mornings and a thousand miles behind

Reputable Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 367

This was a good song. I liked the imagery that I found. I felt a lot of anger, pain, or emotion in this one. Just the type of stuff I like to write. Keep it up!

There's a thin fine line between hate and rage.
Now watch the line be crossed and break!
