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Simple Words Y 6 Week 15

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"Simple Words " __dedicated to my loving wife


There is never any misery
Love like ours is no mystery
Its' the simple words we chose
Oh darling this is true
I still deeply love you

V1 .

If we were still only sixteen
When our lives were such a dream
Knowing then what we know now
We would still be together somehow


Catching dreams under the rainbows
Softly holding hands and going slow
With soft kisses in the sunlight
All these little things feel so right


There is never any misery
Love like ours is no mystery
Its' the simple words we chose
Oh darling this is true
I still deeply love you


Our deep love is our holy grail
A love like ours will never fail
Your more than any soul mate
Your my loving angel heaven sent


I'll wipe away the tears you cried
Hold you close to feel your love inside
Seeing you smile is what I like
For its only your love that I desire


There is never any misery
Love like ours is no mystery
Its' the simple words we chose
Oh darling this is true
I still deeply love you

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Noble Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 2096

Hi Trev,

the thing that strikes me about this song is that there are some things that are really good and others that could be improved. Verse 1, 2 and 4 are fine to my mind,
If we were still only sixteen
When our lives were such a dream
Knowing then what we know now
We would still be together somehow

Lines 1 & 2 are linked as are 3 & 4
Catching dreams under the rainbows
Softly holding hands and going slow
With soft kisses in the sunlight
All these little things feel so right

lines 1 2 3 are all linked by line 4

I'll wipe away the tears you cried
Hold you close to feel your love inside
Seeing you smile is what I like
For its only your love that I desire

again lines 1 & 2 are linked as are 3 & 4

Its a kind of a proposition / resolution thing.
Looking at verse 3 and the chorus though what I get is a list of ideas (the old bullet point style) where each line appears unrelated. I think that these stanzas would benefit from the style of the previous verses.

just my opinion of course


Check out my Reverbnation page here

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I think I know what your getting at Paul , I'm just trying digest it right now though , I know your not a fan of the old bullet style ,

Right now I am looking reading and trying to understand what you are saying , and being in type form its a little hard to get exactly what you are saying with out there being any confusion .

If I understand what your saying " I should have all lines linked to the chorus ? " Or is it Last line of previous verse should be linked to following verse ?

Or just start all over again

:? :? :? :? :? {confused Trev...} :? :? :? :?

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Noble Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 2096

What Im trying to say is this: Take your 1st verse

If we were still only sixteen
When our lives were such a dream
Knowing then what we know now
We would still be together somehow

Line 1 says "If we were still only sixteen" so Im thinking "OK what about it ?" Line 2 says "When our lives were such a dream" so I'm I thinking "Oh yeah I remember" Line 3 says "Knowing then what we know now" and Im thinking "yeah that's right, knowledge is a great thing" Line 4 says "We would still be together somehow" im thinking "yes exactly"

what you've just done here is built a proposition in my head with the first 3 lines and the last line is the conclusion. Same thing happened in verse 2, great. And verse 4 to lesser extent.

Now look at verse 3

Our deep love is our holy grail = Im thinking "ok fine"
A love like ours will never fail = Im thinking "ok fine"
Your more than any soul mate = Im thinking "ok fine"
Your my loving angel heaven sent = Im thinking "ok fine all this is very well but why are telling me this ? whats your conclusion ?"

Do you see what I mean, in the other verses you built up a proposition and came to a conclusion. Here you build the proposition but there is an unsatisfactory conclusion (to my mind).
You could argue that lines 3 & 4 here are proposition and conclusion but then lines 1 & 2 really add nothing to that proposition.

All this of course is just the way I see things and others may disagree, heaven forbid that we should all write songs exactly the same way.


Check out my Reverbnation page here

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Ohh now I am with you mate ..

Thanks for that I just write what seems to be right to me , its great to get someone else s view on my ideas thats why I post them , thanks heaps for explaining exactly what you were seeing with in the lines .

I thank you for being so honest and giving such a detailed opinion ..


Trev... :wink: { no longer confused }

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am
