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Year 6 Week 15 - Is...
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Year 6 Week 15 - Isn't It Enough = with MP3

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Happy Valentine's Day all!


isn't it enough that I come home every night
isn't it enough I tell you everything's alright
isn't it enough that I hold you in my arms
isn't it enough I'm still attracted to your charms

what do I need to say, what more can I do
to express that nothing else matters as long as I'm with you

isn't it enough that we enjoy the games we play
isn't it enough that I listen to what you say
and isn't it enough when we're apart
isn't it enough you're the only one in my heart

what do I need to say, what more can I do
to express that nothing else matters as long as I'm with you

what more can I say that I haven't said before
why do I need to say it again, are you keeping score

isn't it enough
isn't it enough
isn't' it enough after what we've been through and seen
well, I guess by your smile that you know what I mean
you know what I mean
you know what I mean

Noble Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 2096

I really like this song, its got structure its got subject matter that we can all relate to. Well done. Your mp3 is good too, it's nice to see that you are experimenting a bit with your voice.


Check out my Reverbnation page here

Famed Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 2957

isn't it enough ,yes it is :D :D :D

Nice piece Neil ,

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Noble Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 1468

nice song.
