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Week 23 Just Me MP3...
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Week 23 Just Me MP3 added

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I started writing this when I first came to S S G , and that seems so long ago but it isn't really in the grand scale of things we call life . I had the chorus written but could never finish it , but I guess with getting more experience in this writing caper you discover different ways of saying the same thing .

I opened my scrap book up and in red pen is a line " Just Me " and the chorus , I read this weeks assignment and started to type out the chorus , and other lines came to me then more lines and this is what ended up ...

Just me

I just want to be me
Nothing fancy just plain ol me
At times I can be bad
But I cry when I am sad

I just want to hold your hand
And see you wearing my band
No more jokes as they are all gone
I just want to sing you this song

I want to be the real me
The one , no-one ever sees
I want to be true to myself
And leave all the rot on the shelf

I just want to be me
Nothing fancy just plain ol me
At times I can be bad
But I cry when I am sad

What you see isn't what you get
Some things I'll live to regret
And deep down there is the truth
I'm older now and not in my youth

The simple things is what I like
Just like the stars in the night
And being honest to myself
And your friendship is richer than any wealth

I just want to be me
Nothing fancy just plain ol me
At times I can be bad
But I cry when I am sad

(c)Barnabus Rox 2008

Does this read O K ? Any advise will be greatly appreciated

Trev.. :wink:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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hey trev,

i really like the chorus. generally, i am not very fond of the word "bad" and wondered if i would/could replace it by something else... thought of "a pain in the neck" and "ghastly" or "cruel"... but your choice seems right now :D so, it does read very well. the way that last line of the chorus gets things spinning- great!

as for the verses... hm... maybe a tad too repetitive? but i can't criticise that as i have no real suggestions as to how i would do it differently.. :wink:
only came up with one tiny re-ordered version of one of your verses-

the simple things
the stars at night
the truth inside
your hand in mine
the simple things are what i like

not sure it's any good though :wink:

the chorus is very strong and if you could tighten up the verses a bit, this would be even better. just my two cents :D


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

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Thanks for the suggestions and the feedback Stray cat ..

Always appreciate your insight ...

Thanks ,



Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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I added a MP3 ..

I can't sing for poop but I tried it's near the lyrics if anyone is interested


Trev.. :wink:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 1282

you can sing :D
there is something very beautiful about the way you sing. it's not your typical clean pop whatever voice, but it needn't be. almost none of the singers that i admire have such voices.
the music sounds good, too.

the only thing i noticed (i'm sure you realized that yourself) is that in some places your lines proved quite a mouthful :D nothing bad against cramming a couple of words in here and there, but in some places it seems quite a lot, or at least it seems to have given you soem trouble singing :wink:
maybe if you tried to sing+ play these parts a bit slower? no need to hurry, have you? :wink:
anyways, i just noticed. it's nothing major though. i can fairly well ignore it and enjoy the song!

well done!


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

Illustrious Member
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I get the general gist of the song, it reads OK for the most part.....but (there's always that "but" isn't there!)......

There's a couple of lines where the rhyme seems forced....

At times I can be bad
But I cry when I am sad......

Maybe that'd read better as something like,

"Sometimes I get mad,
But I can cry when I'm sad...."

there's a couple of other places where I thought similarly....

Now at first, I thought lines like "what you see isn't what you get" didn't fit - but then I caught the POV you're coming from, and understood a little better.....

So yeah, overall it works.....and kudos to you for dragging this one out and not giving up!

Sometimes you just have to read a song more than once for it to make sense.....

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Thanks Stray & Vic

I really appreciate your words of encouragement ,

I really do appreciate it when someone offers their thoughts and advise



Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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you can sing :D
there is something very beautiful about the way you sing. it's not your typical clean pop whatever voice, but it needn't be. almost none of the singers that i admire have such voices.
the music sounds good, too.

the only thing i noticed (i'm sure you realized that yourself) is that in some places your lines proved quite a mouthful :D nothing bad against cramming a couple of words in here and there, but in some places it seems quite a lot, or at least it seems to have given you soem trouble singing :wink:
maybe if you tried to sing+ play these parts a bit slower? no need to hurry, have you? :wink:
anyways, i just noticed. it's nothing major though. i can fairly well ignore it and enjoy the song!

well done!

I have been reading the high lighted part over and over and you make a lot of sense , thanks ....
When I get time I am going to re-do this slower and cut some words out just like you and Vic mentioned ...
Maybe I was in such a hurry to end this song as I don't rate my singing very highly ..

Thanks heaps

Trev... :wink: :wink:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am
