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Letting Go

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Any guesses as to who wrote that?

You can find the answer HERE


I failed the challenge, but the answer was a good one. I'm sure that it could apply to a great many other accomplished writers too.

EDIT: I removed a link to another site where I tried posting a poem and got severely roasted in super quick time. It's tough out there in poetry land! :shock: But it probably wasn't too smart on my part to show another site in that light...



Famed Member
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Posts: 2717

Just a jot to let you know I read what you posted, followed the link, and read the thread.
Very interesting.
Very serious and intense people there . . . indeed.
I usually don't read or write in the Songwriting Club, just the SSG. I think the one exception was ABD's thread and I don't know how I wound up reading her poem. And since then followed the latest events.
This is the only forum I'm on so I have no way of comparing them. But that sure is a contrast to what goes on here. I guess it made me appreciate this place more. It's kind of warm and fuzzy here, ya know? Especially compared to PFFE.
One bad poem and poof! Out the door with ya.
I'd have to tiptoe in a place like that. I'd feel like a bull in a china shop.
Do they make you wipe your feet before you enter? :mrgreen: Is there a dress code? :roll:

I hope you didn't tell them that you frequent this place . . . you'll give us a bad name by association :lol: .
If I had connections to the mafia, they'd find a dead horse head in their bed.

OK, I'm going to stop now. (this is a guitar forum, this is a guitar forum, this is a guitar forum, KR2)
Sorry that was me talking to myself.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.

It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

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Posts: 3454

JBut that sure is a contrast to what goes on here. I guess it made me appreciate this place more. It's kind of warm and fuzzy here, ya know? Especially compared to PFFE.

Ain't that the truth Ken. :) After spending a very short while there I wanted to come back here and give every single member a hug, and thank them for being such decent people.

Cheers to all at GN... musicians are the best... :note1: :note2: :note1:


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We try very hard to be kinder than that here. Don't we?
Kind? Yes.
Good? I try to be. But it is so very, very difficult.
I find myself talking to me to keep myself in check.
Myself is quite mischievous. Me is the "mother" and I just tolerate them both.

KR2 (I hope ABD is not paying for this long di$tance thread)

It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

Illustrious Member
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Generous souls, these poets, eh? Boy, DO they ever take themselves seriously!

The trouble with taking yourself too seriously is that sooner or later you start to have an inflated image of your own self-worth, which leads to delusions of grandeur and ultimately I think I'll just continue as I am. Paranoid, with low self-esteem - hey, at least nobody worth worrying about could possibly be after me!

As for my own songs, well, I'll just keep writing about me - if they (bad pun alert! one on the way!) strike a chord with someone else, fine - if they don't, well, maybe they weren't meant to. That won't stop me writing for my own enjoyment, though. Which is ultimately what songwriting's all about - if the writer doesn't feel anything, how can anyone else?

There is one good thing about that particular poetry forum, though - their insistence on reviewing others' works if you want your own work reviewing. I'm not saying make it a hard-and-fast rule, but it's a pretty good guideline. You take, you give something back - that's how it's supposed to work. Isn't it.....?

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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:shock: :shock: :shock:

Wow, for saying that you shouldn't sound pretentious, they sure seemed extremely full of themselves.

In Space, no one can hear me sing!

Famed Member
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Posts: 2717

Wow, for saying that you shouldn't sound pretentious, they sure seemed extremely full of themselves.
I guess that's their interpretation of a Poet Free For All; PFFA
It's a "free for all" of pretentiousness. A Pretentiousness Free For All?

I wonder who's winning.

I know it wasn't Chris C. :lol:

He came back here licking his wounds. :shock: :oops:

Sorry, Chris, I guess you are not very good at being pretentious. It was nice for another kind soul there to point you towards another poet forum though. (Sort of guiding you out of poet hell.)
--------> Follow me to exit from (These are the angels of this world)

I guess it shows us how influential the moderators are on setting the tone of a forum.
That "SQUUUSH" comment when booting a user shows he/she enjoyed his/her job. (of squushing people)

KR2 (hmmm . . . a domain not registered . . . nahhhh . . . not for me)

It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

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Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 3454

Hi again,

Apologies for hijacking this thread with comments about my own experience at trying to showcase a poem somewhere. It was well intentioned but seems to be causing a sidetrack.

If anybody has any comments or suggestions about how BD can turn her poem into a song, or find a collaborator to either write or assist with the musical side of things, please jump in.



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Posts: 2717

I apologize for commenting on your experience.



It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

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