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The Proverbial Chicken or Egg Question

20 Posts
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Famed Member
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I think that's a natural progression. The song takes on a life of its own. That's a good thing!!!

Yeah, right now it's kind of morphing into several different things, and then back again. I was able to work in a slow tempo feel building up to a harder chorus, well as hard as you can get with country music anyway.

The problem I'm having now, is when I go from verse 2 (not really a verse, but a turnaround I guess, changes the tempo and such) to the chorus, I want to sing a melody from a song thats on the radio with my words, and no matter how I spin it, I keep going back to that particular sound, it just seems to be the right flow. I'm not sure what to do except maybe just do some re-writing and keep plugging away.

In Space, no one can hear me sing!

Eminent Member
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Posts: 29

I would find it very hard to start with the music first, and then add lyrics. There are just way to many things that fly around for it to come out making sense. So that approach is fascinating. I can also see how it leads to lots of music with no lyrics.

Then again, if it was simple I think we would, after 300 years, have finally heard the lyrics for a Mozart symphony. :D

Illustrious Member
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Then again, if it was simple I think we would, after 300 years, have finally heard the lyrics for a Mozart symphony. :D

That was actually a very popular method in the old days. The catholic church often had a need for powerfull music to back their ideology so often instrumental tunes by Bach, Mozart etc were taken. They then just change the melody (violins, for example) to a choir singing the same notes but adding words to them. Actually, an opera is written first before the words are added. Mozart would usually write the entire orchedstral part on a piano. You can play ten notes at the same time and have a huge range, both in pitch and dynamics, so it's the perfect instrument for it. Then they arrange that into the orchestral version and finally add syllables to each note in the melody.

The other way around is very easy and popular too: taking the vocal line and just playing the notes. Even the most basic tunes can be turned into a great piano song with little effort.

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well for me, the last thing I am intending to do is rhyme,lol.
what I have done is write out my feelings or thoughts about a topic like I am telling it to someone on paper. I keep this handy, though a dry bed or under painting of sorts, then I attempt to find noted/chords that match the mood of what I am doing, like they do for movie scenes. I take like 3 chords and play them in a way thats supportive of the feel of the content. Then as I play I look at the imagery in the words, if any of them pop out at me, while playing, I highlight them and stick them in.
Eventually I have a a skeleton to fill in the gaps with and then I put everything down and get something to drink or eat, listen to music, and then come back to it again the next day. So i start sloppy, then slowly start cleaning things up tighter and tighter.
BUT, I still have yet to finish a song, I can start them, I have trouble with bridges and ending things...

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1224

Been lurking as far as this end of GN goes...and I write for a living. So after 400 posts I guess I'll chime in!

Like Blue...lyrics come last for me. But I ALWAYS have lyrics "emerge" on the hooky bit first...then I back away from what's in the hook and bulk up lyrics in the paradigm originated by the hook. (Steak first...THEN potatuhs!)

Writing jingles gets things laid out way easier than writing pop stuff. You are ALREADY presented with both the genre as well as the client name by the ad agency...which sort of brackets you into both style and what's it flows readily. (Just toss thirty years into the mix...that helps, too!)


"Feel what you what you feel!"

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