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Playing With The Kid

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darn, I'm jealous! My son's 7 and he's interested but not there yet.

I took Mick with me to Symphany Hall when he was 7. He's been into music ever since.

My son is 13, and I have been trying to get him interested in doing something other than playing the XBOX....I told I would get him some electronic drums (so he can use headphones) and that he has to take lessons, and he agreed...we are going to go looking around this weekend.....

I may grow old, but I'll never grow up.

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My son is 13, and I have been trying to get him interested in doing something other than playing the XBOX....I told I would get him some electronic drums (so he can use headphones) and that he has to take lessons, and he agreed...we are going to go looking around this weekend.....

Hart Dynamics makes some pretty good gear for half the price of Roland if you're looking at electric kits. A decent practice kit new can be had for under a $1000. Look for mesh heads instead of rubber pads. The action is better and is still quieter than any type of pads.

Be sure to get a good brain or sound module. Sample the sounds first. Some have some pretty good likeness to real drums and some have special effects more than true drums samples. It's good to know the difference.

Good luck and have fun shopping and then GASSING and then buying.

Oh yeah, one more thing...If you thought putting your first bicycle together was challenging. Wait until you put your first drum rack together and figure out how to get the drum mounts on first and the correct direction.


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

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