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SSG Year 5 - Week 49 - dhodge

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Sorry for the first one, but I couldn't help myself :wink:

Sundays Without Bob

Killers From Space

Power Play

People Full of Holes


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Hi David :D

Okay, what impression these give me....

Sundays Without Bob - Makes me think of an old Twilight Zone 'Changing of the Guard' moral play.

Killers From Space - Made me think right away of an old Hitchcock Presents, written by Ray Bradbury that was about
killer spores (mushrooms) from outter space.
It was arguably my favorite episode!

Power Play - One of my all time favorite Steppenwolf songs off The Monster album. Ohhh, the memories 8)
"Remember if you plan to stay, those who give can take away - Don't bite the hand that feeds you...."

People Full of Holes - Well, I guess it would imply empty people. Perhaps even 'sponges'.
Though I must admit that the very first thing that came to mind was Ringo from Yellow Submarine with the hole in his pocket.
So that made me think that these 'People full of holes', as flawed as they may be, could possibly 'use' their holes to their
advantage.... There by making good use of a problem while simultaneously ridding themselves of it - A happy ending :D

Just my thoughts :wink:


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begins to live more simply without"
-Ernest Hemingway

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This is a very detailed response and it also reminds me that this sort of answer is what I've got to try to do this week (" ...must go back and work on my initial response to Ken's titles... " :wink: ). I can't even tell you what's in my head when I wrote them. Killers From Space is a bad movie ("bad" meaning really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, bad - probably starring Peter Graves) and Power Play probably comes from the fact that hockey season started this week...


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Sorry for the first one, but I couldn't help myself :wink:

Sundays Without Bob

I have say that I really liked this title. Apart from the obvious appropriateness of sending him out with a song it seemed to work well anyway. I love songs that offer me the opportunity to hear a bit of a story. Who's Bob? What were you doing with him on Sunday? Why Sunday? What was shared - a romance, a hobby, an adventure of some kind? Did he die, leave, fall out with you...? I'd find it hard to resist dipping into a song with this title and find out what old Bob had been up to. :wink: It has the added bonus of having a possible theme that actually has nothing to do with yet another tale of lost love (I mean , I always liked the guy, but....)

Killers From Space

The 'From' really gave this one an overwhelmingly strong flavour. I guess I'm just not enough of a bad sci-fi movie fan to get enthused about it. If it had been Space Killers I might have been more intrigued.

Power Play

Lots of potential there. Coincidentally I bought a magazine called Power Play last week. Not sure what that title would suggest to most readers, but it's actually a mag all about computer gaming - so this could go in all sorts of directions.

People Full of Holes

..."now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall..."

Was that from Sgt Peppers?

Could be alot of fun playing around with some surreal imagery. Or it could be a protest style song about the Iraq War. Maybe have alternate verses with the reality of a soldier or civilain in Iraq who suffers the real bullet holes taking one half of the verses. Then contrasting them with a distant political policy maker whose 'holes' are missing elements of compassion or lacking grasp of strategic realities, or whatever.



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Hi David
Sundays Without Bob

I have to agree with Chris. Apart from the obvious direction
it really is an intriguing title that make you want to know
more about Bob.
Killers From Space

Now if some body could come up with a really bad
early Rock and Roll theme song for a really bad
B - SciFi movie.

The only improvement might be:
Killers From Outer Space
Power Play

Hey Ken,
It's good to hear someone else remembers Steppenwolf's Monster
I loved that album.

"America where are you now
Don't you care about your sons and daughters"

OK enough reminiscing.

Good title but I don't think I could tackle it because of the Steppenwolf influence.
People Full of Holes

I guess this could go a lot of ways but for some strange reason I'm
seeing an Old Mobster thinking back about what he left behind.

I know I'm a sick sick man :oops:


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People Full of Holes

I guess this could go a lot of ways but for some strange reason I'm
seeing an Old Mobster thinking back about what he left behind.

I know I'm a sick sick man :oops:


Must be two of us. :wink:

My first though was "EH?"... followed by a St Valentine's Day Massacre, mobster style image. Then Junkies (needle holes in arms, ruined lives etc), surrealist images From the Hieronymus Bosch painting Garden of Earthly Delights and then Empty Lives. So it was more evocative than I first thought.

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Sorry for the first one, but I couldn't help myself :wink:
Sundays Without Bob
Killers From Space
Power Play
People Full of Holes

Hi Dave, good to bump into you.

My first thoughts on your titles:

Sundays Without Bob
- If you put an 'a' in it (without a bob) then it could be a Blues about a boring and broke rainy Sunday. But as it is I agree, an intriguing title that sets you up for a nice story.

Killers From Space
- A parody/Comic song.

Power Play
- Jeez - I was hoping to get to the end of a list without mentioning relationships. Come to think of it though - Sundays without Bob . . . :)

People Full of Holes
- Im like John & co. Couldnt help thinking about Quentin Tarantino Movies with this one.

My Ha'penny worth

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Sundays Without Bob
- If you put an 'a' in it (without a bob) then it could be a Blues about a boring and broke rainy Sunday. But as it is I agree, an intriguing title that sets you up for a nice story.

Interesting that you came up with the meaning of Bob as a shilling too. Something similar popped into my head as well - the phrase "Change From a Bob" - which was another way of looking at the title, but also a pun on 'change' in the sense of money. But I wasn't sure that enough listeners would know what a bob was, plus I've been trying to kick the punning habit, so ..... :wink:



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Killers From Space - a song about cats??!

People Full of Holes - This could be a really great song about people who are spiritually dead in some sort of way. Pretentious people, liars, the emotionally dysfunctional, people who are half alive, the out of touch with some vital part of themselves....that sort of thing.

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People full of holes.....yep.....that's the one for me. Hit me like a brick.

It's people who think they are whole, but are full of holes and people who used to be whole, but are now full of holes because of something they lost. Perhaps it is about people who thought that they could go to college and get a good job and raise a family and now they see that they and the myth are full of holes....and maybe that's okay. Maybe you can be like a sponge.

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This title, People Full of Holes, has been following me around for ages. At one point it even had a bit of a chorus...

We are the people full of holes
In our pockets in our hearts and in our souls...

But I could never get much more than that out of it. Glad to see it's getting some fresh ideas. Man, Nick, I should have thought of sponges years ago...

Have fun!


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Hi David,

Sundays Without Bob
Yeah definitely sounds like a tribute to me.

Killers From Space
I think this title has lots of possibilities, outer space, space as in too much room to move, killers as in murderers or killers as in good lookers.

Power Play
This would have to be a rocker with (excuse the pun) power chords

People Full of Holes
I get the feeling that this would be quite a difficult song to write, I'm thinking Dylan.


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Sundays Without Bob
Yeah definitely sounds like a tribute to me

Killers From Space
Deadly insects :lol:

Power Play
Hard core Rock and roll

People Full of Holes
Liars , cheats ...

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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Hi David

Sundays without Bob - could be a new direction/diversion now he's no longer there, how else are you going to fill the time you and he used to spend together - I like the grandfather imagery that this presents it's warming. I think it may be more edgy if it was about a friend no longer around for a darker reason - kind of like Thomas Dolby's - The Neon Sisters.

Killers from Space - everyone's right to wear sunscreen - Baz Lurhman

Power Play - bit of a protest song here possibly supporting the innocent victims who get caught in the crossfire when the powers collide

People full of holes - already this one is receiving quite a lot of attention but it's got so many possibilities definitely the pick of the bunch.

Good stuff

Bob :wink:

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