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SSG3 Week 45 - Black Light Party

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Sorry I haven't been around much this week; I'm on-call and getting ready for a week of camping at Algonquin next week.

Thanks to Chris for lifting us out of the dark pit of despair. Your post to the sticky this week has definitely set the stage for many of the songs and mine is no exception. It's no "scuba diving frog", but this song is for you, Chris.

It's not exactly in line with the "one last chance" topic any more. Originally I was building it around the line "bring me with you when you give it one last try". It was going to be about some self absorbed, whiney emo style singer/songwriter who I just happen to be in love with (totally fictitious thankfully). However, sometimes songs get away from you, and I ended up with this instead. (You can hear it at: )

Black Light Party

Read me your poetry
Tell me all about how life's not fair
Deconstruct your misery
In the gloom
Black light party for two

No smile, just two charcoal eyes
Tell me how you've been mistreated
Don't mind sad songs, but it's not my style
Sing the blues
Black light party for two

It's killing you, you're kidding me
Let's get you out of those wet things
Try again tomorrow, but tonight black light's the mood,
Black light party for two

Ice cream is a dish best served cold.

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It's no "scuba diving frog", but this song is for you, Chris.

Thanks mate. I'm touched and flattered to get a mention. I've been waiting all week to hear what you came up with, and it's been worth the wait - as always.

I've been trying to pick out a phrase or two that I particularly liked, but I liked it all, and there's not much point in highlighting the whole song and saying "I loved this bit"!

If I have to pick though:
Tell me all about how life's not fair
Deconstruct your misery

nailed it beautifully, and the line
It's killing you, you're kidding me

was an absolute cracker. When you've seen real suffering, the self absorbed ramblings of some early poetry just makes me want to smack the writer with a wet herring. Of course my own puberty poetry was every bit as bad and self absorbed as well..... :shock:

Have to say I broke into a huge smile at the line where you so 'caringly' offered to help her out of her wet clothes - you foxy devil. :twisted:

This seems a highly marketable song, that would appeal to many tastes. I hope it doesn't just have its couple of days of fame and vanish again.

Great playing again too. You seem to manage a variety of playing styles to suit the mood of the song.

Enjoy the camping. Come back refreshed. 8)

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Come on people. Don't keep your hands off the keyboard just because SlowPlay is known for delivering good songs here on a regular basis. Even the best like to get comments. If you can't fault it please just applaud. :D

SP has been a help and an inspiration to many beginners here, and we can all learn from both his skills and the way he pops in with well balanced and supportive posts for others.

I've been blathering on rather too much this week, but it's regulars like SlowPlay, Pbee, Joe, Bluenightangel, Vic, The Celt, Smokingdog, and (------- insert your name here please, as the dementia is clearly playing up tonight...) who add the class and show the rest of us the way.

Thanks. :)

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Come on people. Don't keep your hands off the keyboard just because SlowPlay is known for delivering good songs here on a regular basis. Even the best like to get comments. If you can't fault it please just applaud.

BAH, slow down Chris. Give me time. I just cant type that fast. heh. I feel like I have been hogging the forum as well this week.

SP, that song was AWSOME. When I read the lyrics I didnt get it, which isnt unusual for me. When the song started I didnt know quite what to think. It sounded off. But I realized that was intended. It sounded very psychodelic. Very Jim Morrison to me. You got a great voice by the way.

I didnt understand
It's killing you, you're kidding me
Let's get you out of those wet things

But the song as a whole, I loved.


“The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn” - David Russell (Scottish classical Guitarist. b.1942)

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Read me your poetry
Tell me all about how life's not fair

I love the way you started this song. And then topped it off with:

It's killing you, you're kidding me

That's perfect. Thanks for the read.


Estimable Member
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First of all, very original take at the sad songs..
But I don't get all of it... That's why I didn't post before, thought I missed something which I would be able to see after a night's sleep...
Indeed the "let's get you out of those wet things" isn't perfectly clear. My guess is that the clothes are a metaphore for the misery surrounding the other person?
Also, try again tomorrow. Try again for what? I've reread it often enough, just don't get it...

Noble Member
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Hey SP,
nice work :D . Was that "sing the blues" or the "jazz blues" :lol: ?
This line:
Let's get you out of those wet things had me thinking for a little while, my take on it is a metaphor for "shedding your burdon" but that is not immediately clear maybe something like:
Let's get you out of those wet things,those burdons might work.
Black light party for two
Works well as a surrogate chorus, I might have known you would try this at some stage given your comment a couple of weeks back, nice line and nice hook.

Check out my Reverbnation page here

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I must be ill or something. When I played it the first time, I didn't like it.. well, that's a bit strong. I didn't -get- it. Your voice is great (as usual, from what I've heard of you so far), I liked the lyrics and the melody (I still think you should add something like the guitar here over your song "Why do you have to pay", especially in the chorus.. some slides and such would be awesome. Do it for me, please! Or, send me the chords in a message and I'll play around with it myself :) )

On with the rambling! Second time around, I thought "Hmm.. what was I thinking, I must be ill or something (as mentioned above) This is good, I like this"

Then the third time I found myself wishing there was some more strumming (I'm never satisfied), but I'm not really sure it would be a good idea. Sometimes a cleaner, more naked sound is better. I must be suffering from a fever or something.

Fourth time, I found out I liked it as is :) Now I'm putting on "Why do you have to pay" to ponder about that bass

Shutting my yap now :)

"I wish there was an over the counter test for my loneliness"

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I'm hoping that SlowPlay lets us know what he originally meant with the "wet things" line.

It's really quite intriguing to discover how differently everybody responds to songs. I guess we all bring a variety of backgrounds and life experiences which we just fit to what we hear. And sometimes that means several completely different interpretations. :?

To me It's killing you, you're kidding me

meant "you must be joking. You take yourself far too seriously. Your self absorbed whinings are nonsense compared to real adversity and suffering."

Let's get you out of those wet things

Was a nice shift to the singer's real intent in pretending to be interested in the young woman's weepy poetry.... :shock:

meant "stop weeping all down your dress princess. Let me help ease you out of some of those constricting clothes, and let me take your mind off your troubles..."

I think Rob's just saying "Geez, you're a bit of a bore dear, but I think we could still rescue the situation if we both had a lot less clothes on.... "

Of course, I could be completely wrong, and merely projecting my own lustful youth (and reasons for paying attention to rebellious young poetesses.....) onto a touching and innocent song.... :oops:

Cheers, Chris

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Hey gang, thanks for the feedback.

You seem to manage a variety of playing styles to suit the mood of the song.

This is another by product of the way I write... starting with the music first.

The wet things was intended as a metaphor when I first wrote it, but then I liked the sexual undertones. However, I was hoping it would be taken as a tender offer within the confines of the implied committed caring relationship... along the lines of Tom Cochrane's 'Get Back Up'. But that's a lot to convey with one line, and as you stated, everyone brings their own perspectives in.
Of course my own puberty poetry was every bit as bad and self absorbed

It's OK to weep for your own troubles, but yeah, sometimes I need to have someone slap me with a wet herring too.

It sounded off. But I realized that was intended.

You don't know how close I was going to going back and fixing that extra millisecond of pause. But I was in a hurry to get the thing recorded so I could post and go to bed.


Thanks for the compliments.

But I don't get all of it... That's why I didn't post before

Well, I'm glad you did post. You were mostly right about the clothes metaphore (see above). The "try again tomorrow" bit... well, the song implies that the person I'm singing to is having a rough time. This is just my way of saying "don't worry, we'll face it together tomorrow, but for now it's just us."

Black light party for two
Works well as a surrogate chorus, I might have known you would try this at some stage given your comment a couple of weeks back

I've been found out! Yeah, its a bit of a cop-out really, but once I got that line in my head, there was nothing else I could do. :)
Let's get you out of those wet things,those burdons

That would make it more clear, but the double meaning would be someone more obscure, and I think they are equal concepts. I had hoped the tension between the two would work, but I'll have to sit on it for a while.

I must be suffering from a fever or something.

You and me both... I went through a similar process when writing it. :)
Or, send me the chords in a message and I'll play around with it myself

Sure thing. Knock yourself out. It would be an honour.

The whole song is a bass-line:

A -----3432-----1210--
E -2p0------0h2--------

I cheated, recording this only once and using Audacity to reproduce it 20 times.

The 'solo' part is just variations of the following on the high E:

E -34320--4320-

For chords, I didn't use any, but I think alternating between E and F# works.

If you want the original Audacity files, let me know, but you'd do better to re-record it to fix that slight hiccup. Be sure to send me a copy of whatever you come up with. Technically, you can't post it to Soundclick, but I'd be willing to stick up your version on my page (crediting your musicianship of course) if you would like.

Ice cream is a dish best served cold.
