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Wk27: Dancin Shoes
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Wk27: Dancin Shoes

3 Posts
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Hi...sorry this is a little late. I found the site middle of last week, and my account just became active tonight.

Reading through here hit me with inspiration.

This is in 3/4 (think gentle old-time waltz, fingerstyle or picked arpeggios). I haven't worked out the music yet. I'm waiting for my guitar skills to catch up with my mind. :)
Some of it doesn't parse quite right. It's a first draft.

Dancin' Shoes

verse 1:

It's her first high school dance
Her daddy just stares
at the girl where
his babe used to be

He hand's her a box
as he holds back his tears
She holds up her new shoes, he says
Try them on, so I can see

As she turns to leave
He gives her a hug
and says
Save one dance for me


and she twirls
and she spins
as her world flies around her
and she dips
and she turns
as the music plays on
and she steps
and she slides
and gives thanks to the Maker
for a Daddy that loves her
and the new dancin' shoes she has on

verse 2:

The girl's now a woman
With a life of her own
Today is her wedding day

She wears something borrowed
She wears something new
The flowers in her hair are a light shade of blue

She says "Wait one more second "
and slips on those old shoes
Now worn and faded with age
"I'm ready, now, Daddy,
Let me straighten your tie
It's time to give me away"


and she twirls
and she spins
as her world flies around her
and she dips
and she turns
as the music plays on
and she steps
and she slides
and gives thanks to the Maker
for this man that now loves her
and the old dancin' shoes she has on


Then the years race by
Surrounded by family and friends
Those old shoes might be lost to the passage of time
But the dancing never ends

verse 3:

In a musty old attic
on the outskirts of town
she sifts through her memories alone

At the box in the corner
She has to sit down
It's her old dancin' shoes
From her daddy so long long ago

Shaking with age
Her hand reaches down
to hold those old shoes
and dance one more time
on her own...


And she twirls
and she spins
and she cries for the good times
and she dips
and she turns
and laughs at the bad
and she steps
and she slides
and gives thanks to the Maker
for her old dancin shoes
and because of them, the life that she's had

There are two kinds of people in this world:
Those who think there are two kinds of people in this world, and those who don't

Noble Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 2096

Hey Jerboa,
Welcome to the forum and Guitarnoise. Don't worry about being late with a post, although you might find that people are less inclined to comment on posts from previous weeks. I like your song and for a first draft it's pretty good. Structurally very sound. The only thing that struck me was the chorus
and she twirls
and she spins
as her world flies around her
The first line reminded me of Muscrat Love
“And they whirled and they twirled and they tangled …”
Of course when you put it to some music my association to that word will probably disappear competely, so I would'nt worry too much about that.

Good song, look forward to seeing some more of your stuff. BTW don't feel pressured to put your songs to music, although a lot of us do, you don't have to.



Check out my Reverbnation page here

Honorable Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 504

That's touching. Maybe change "babe" to "baby." Otherwise, nice.

