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Year 4 Wk 15 The Wa...
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Year 4 Wk 15 The Wake Of Seamus Kelly

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I didn't think I was going to get a song written at all
this week then this came to me while the stew for
supper was simmering.

It's odd the last time we had an assignment like
this I wrote about a Memorial Service and this
time about an Irish Wake

(Note to self: I Have Got To Get A Life)

Actually I've become acquainted with a local
Irish Music band and may present this to them
for their perusal.

The Wake Of Seamus Kelly


There was beer to drink
There was whiskey too
Enough food to fill our bellies
What a grand event
So much ballyhoo
At the wake of Seamus Kelly

Father O'Malley spoke a word or two
Before he passed out on the floor
The Sisters of Mercy sang of Irish Eyes
As they were carried out the door


The fiddlers played and the pipers piped
All his clan folk they sang along
And they told us tales those self same tales
As in every Irish song


The Murphy boys with the Callahans
And O'Rourkes came from Galway
Honored his widow and her sons
Spoke well of a Kelly that day


We have paid the Man no disrespect
As old Seamus was known to say
Drink 'til you drop and not one man stands
Kiss my"donkey"and send me away



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" It's easier than waiting around to die" Townes Van Zandt

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Well kiss my donkey ( I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ) :lol: :lol: :lol:

One question though is there a typo or am I missing something here

Father O'Malley spoke a word or two
Before he passed out on the floor
The Sisters of Mercy sang of Irish Eyes
As they were carried out the door

Question ?

Why were the Sisters of Mercy carried out the door ?
or should it be
As they carried you out the door


I may have completely missed the whole thing as I know nothing about the Irish and their customs .

But mind you I had this real Irish sort of jig happening in my head as I read it , would love to hear it .

A real sort of Irish drinking sort of song I feel

Well done John

:wink: :wink:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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Thanks, My idea was that it was such a drunken
party that even the good sisters had to be carried
out ,but I like your suggestion. I think I may use it
with a small change.

The Sisters of Mercy sang of Irish Eyes
As they carried Flynn out the door


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" It's easier than waiting around to die" Townes Van Zandt

Noble Member
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Posts: 2096

Hi John,
I like this Irish jig. I wouldnt be surprised at all (at all) if there wern't some Brady's in there somewhere :lol: . I like your idea of the nuns being carried out but I agree with hilch that line just doesnt seem right somehow. maybe:
While they were carried out the door

Anyway good work

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